Friday, December 26, 2014

Feature & Follow Friday - Book Gifts

Alison Can Read Feature & Follow
The day after Christmas is probably my favorite day of the year. I don't plan too much -- unless it's something I WANT to do. I hope you enjoy today! Here's this week's question:

What books did you give other people this holiday season?

I gave my niece Greenglass House, by Kate Milford and a gift card to the book store

I gave my husband a couple Harlan Coben books I found on the bargain rack. One of his favorite authors.

I gave another niece a gift card to the book store. I gave my little grand nieces and nephews various children's books. I gave my daughter and son-in-law gift cards to Amazon. I know they can use them for anything, but they both like to read eBooks, so they may use them for books.

Not a big book-giving year for me. So, how about you? Thanks for stopping by, and make sure to visit Alison and Parajunkee, our hosts.

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  1. Hello! Merry Christmas!!

    Those are amazing gifts. I haven't read any of them but They sound very good!

    Here's my #FF

    Giova @ Corazones Literarios

  2. Great choices!


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