Erin lives in Chinatown, was born in China, and her best friends are Chinese, so she's very familiar with Chinese culture. She wishes she was really Chinese. She's also a senior in high school and she and her friends are waiting to hear about acceptance to college.
Mei and Erin were best friends until 8th grade, when Mei abandoned Erin. Only recently have they become friends again, because of their mutual friend, Linny.
Here are the issues in Miss Fortune Cookie:
Mei is hiding a boyfriend from her mother. Her mother is determined that Mei is going to Harvard (the #1 school.) Mei would rather not go to school away from her boyfriend. This conflict causes some drastic behavior from Mei.
Erin has a secret advice column, "Miss Fortune Cookie." (Her fortunes are some of the most entertaining parts of the book.)
Linny and Erin are going to Berkeley together -- or are they?
Erin develops a "love interest."
Erin and Mei try to rekindle some of their lost friendship.
Linny is deciding whether to have sex before she goes to college, even though she's not sure she is in love with her current boyfriend.
A little boy named Lincoln steals the show.
The Westboro Baptist Church is going to picket Lowell High School (the girl's school) and Linny is spearheading the demonstration against them. (This is the actually TRUE part of Miss Fortune Cookie!)
I enjoyed the Chinese culture, and especially all the discussion of Chinese food (made me hungry!) This is a great story of friendship and family with enough quirks to keep it interesting. The romance is heartwarming too. Middle school students could enjoy this one, even though the characters are older. I'll happily recommend Miss Fortune Cookie to my contemporary fans.
Published by Henry Holt & Co., November 13, 2012
Book won from Lauren's Crammed Bookshelf and the author (signed and personalized!)
288 pages
Rating: 4/5