It may have something to do with my reading mood? It took me forever to read The Crown's Fate, and I really thought it dragged, especially during the first half. I started about a week before the release date, and it took me at least 12 days to read it! (Hence, the late review.)
One of the things I liked most about The Crown's Game was the characters. I fell in love with them and struggled with their dilemmas. In The Crown's Fate, I didn't really like Pasha, Vika, or Nikolai. They were all wishy-washy, changing allegiances and, in general, working against each other most of the time. There's almost no romance. Not that it's required for me to enjoy a story, but I felt this book needed some.
And I guess when a book is about magic, one can expect magic to save the day (over and over again.) I don't know why this didn't bother me in the first book, but it just seemed like they just kept coming up with better magic tricks to save the day.
I haven't really talked much about the plot, but you can read the blurb and get that. Suffice it to say, it's a battle for the throne. The battle at the end was epic (and, of course, magic filled.) The ending was happily satisfying.
I'm glad I read it--I just think the beginning could have used some editing. I think my teens will enjoy it too.
Published by Balzer + Bray, May 16, 2017.
eARC obtained from Edelweiss
432 pages
Rating: 3.5/5