I think Wren and Hugh are the main voices. Wren is in an abortion clinic, not to get an abortion, but to get birth control, when a gunman enters and starts shooting. Hugh is her father, who is also a police officer specializing in hostage negotiating, and he is on this case. There are many points-of-view, and it was not difficult to keep them distinct, a testament to Picoult's talent. There is a nurse, an older woman, Wren's aunt Bex, a doctor, a pro-life protester, a woman who has just had an abortion, and the shooter. And a young woman in a hospital named Beth.
I'm not going to describe all the reasons these people are narrating, that is what's intriguing. The timeline is backward, which was difficult for me to adjust to at first, but eventually, I got it.
I just didn't feel much build up of tension. We just slowly learn all the character's stories, and there are some surprises. But, face it, what you want to know is who survives and how it ends. So for about the last 3 or 4 pages, we get the wrap-up. I was happy with the outcome, but it wasn't that startling or exciting.
I've read almost all of Picoult's novels, and A Spark of Light is not one of my favorites. But she's a must-read for a lot of people, so go for it!
Published by Ballentine, October 2, 2018
eARC obtained from NetGalley
384 pages
Rating: 4/5