She's back at the Assassin's Keep and ready to tell Arobynn that she's free - she's brought the gold that was given to her by the Master of the Silent Assassins that will pay for her freedom. But Arobynn has a new mission for her--one that will help end slavery, a mission that Celaena feels very strongly about.
So she waits to tell Arobynn and begins planning how she will accomplish the necessary assassination of a very heavily guarded target. Sam is back in The Assassin and the Underworld, and after some tension between them, he agrees to help Celaena.
There's plenty of fancy parties to go along with the spying and danger--and Celaena finds herself in a serious deadly situation this time. My heart was pounding right along with hers.
After reading three of these novellas, I see a definite pattern. Celaena gets an assignment and ends up almost failing because she is so gullible -- she is duped by people in each of these stories, and ends up in danger every time because of her stupidity.
But...I don't care. I love the sense of adventure. I love watching her relationships develop and change -- with Arobynn and Sam.
I have one more novella to go -- The Assassin and the Empire -- and since I know where Celaena is at the beginning of Throne of Glass, I'm kind of afraid to read it!
These are short, edge-of-your-seat tales that I find entertaining and exciting. It just makes me all the more anxious for book 2 in the Throne of Glass series!
Published by Bloomsbury, May 1, 2012
eBook purchased by me
Rating: 3.5/5

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