I had a hard time getting into the book at first. Heir of Fire is long, at close to 600 pages. I started work (school) this week, and because I could only read a few minutes at a time, I think this was the problem. I've been reading this book ALL WEEK, and was still only 50% finished. So I sat down and finished the last half all in one day.
Heir of Fire is really exciting, especially at the end. I don't want to say too much, though. There are several different perspectives that go back and forth, hence my problems with keeping track at the beginning.
Heir of Fire relies much more on the fantasy elements. I will always say that fantasy is one of my least favorite genres, however, I absolutely devoured Throne of Glass, Crown of Midnight and loved the four novellas that are part of this series. (I also claim to not enjoy novellas -- usually.) But.....Heir of Fire really tested me. I like a lot of "real human life" along with my fantasy, and this one has very little of that. I liked the "assassin" part of Celaena's character, and there wasn't much of that in Heir of Fire. But the plot is so compelling! The bad guys are so bad, and Celaena, as always, is such a strong main character fighting impossible odds. I loved the new character, Rowan, and all of the story lines are exciting in their own way.
So Heir of Fire was not my favorite of the series, but there's no way I'm going to stop reading it. I still love these characters, and Maas really knows how to write. If you are a big fantasy fan, then this series is just getting better.
Published by Bloomsbury USA, September 2, 2014
eARC obtained from Netgalley
576 pages
Rating: 4/5

I'm so glad that you enjoyed this one! I think it's probably my favorite of the series so far, just because the world-building and all the character development was amazing for me. I am surprised that you enjoy this series so much even though you are not big on fantasy. I'll have to really think about the story outside of it's fantasy setting because I can see why it can be addictive just for the character and the plot development. Great review!