If you haven't read the companion novel, Every Day, you probably shouldn't read the rest of this review.
This is the same story as Every Day told from Rhiannon's point-of-view.
In the letter at the beginning, Levithan says this book is for those who have read Every Day as well as those who haven't. Well, it takes 25% of the book before Rhiannon meets A. That took too long for someone who already knows the story.
I didn't feel Rhiannon's POV added very much. It's a POV that I could decifer from Every Day. I might not have known every detail about her relationships with her boyfriend and other friends, but knowing those details just didn't add anything.
I read 52% of Another Day, then skipped ahead and read the last ten percent. I don't think I missed anything.
Published by Knopf BFYR August 25, 2015
eARC obtained from NetGalley
208/336 pages
Rating: Incomplete

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