It is 1540 in Tudor England. Joanna is trying to live her life quietly and peacefully tucked away in the little village of Dartford. But it's not to be. She is summoned by none other than Thomas Cromwell to Whitehall Palace where the king (Henry VIII) wants to discuss her tapestry work.
Joanna doesn't know what to think - she knows there is probably more to the king's summons. And as soon as she enters Whitehall, she's attacked and almost killed. From there the story is woven with much detail, new characters, and of course lots of challenges and close calls for Joanna. She also tries to save Catherine Howard from the King who has definite designs on her, even though he's married to Anne of Cleves
All of the old characters are back, and since it's been a while it took me some time to make sense of everyone's position and relationships. The monarchy is complicated! Joanna's love triangle rears it's ugly head again but it seems there may be some resolution by the end of The Tapestry.
I thoroughly enjoyed my return to this time and these characters. I highly recommend you read the first two books, The Crown and The Chalice before The Tapestry.
Published by Touchstone, March 24, 2015
Copy obtained from the library
389 pages
Rating: 4/5

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