Nick is a normal 14-year-old, trying to cope with living in poverty and having a mother who is a stripper. Then, all of a sudden, people start trying to eat each other. These zombies are different because they didn't die before becoming zombies. Nick gets exposed to demons and vampires and all sorts of supernatural creatures he thought were only in fiction. Why are these kids, who used to be Nick's school mates, trying to kill him?
A mysterious man takes Nick under his wing and gives him protection. But who is this man? And why Nick?
The story progresses somewhat awkwardly. Sometimes the point of view shifts suddenly. Nick's exposure to this other realm is somewhat slow, but his reactions are way too accepting. The flow of the story just didn't click for me. There are a lot of characters, especially for a middle-grade book, and I got some of them confused. Maybe because each character was too superficial. I didn't feel like I got to know any of them, so I had difficulty making a connection.
My last complaint is that the ending, when Nick is deciding what path to take, was really preachy. The part about "revenge." It read like, "OK, here's the moral of the story in five easy pages."
What's to like? Well, actually, quite a bit. I love the premise. This is the beginning of a somewhat long series, The Chronicles of Nick, and apparently, it's up to Nick to save the world. Even at almost 500 pages, the book reads very quickly. It has a rather large font and wide margins, which makes it perfect for reluctant readers. The pace moves quickly and there is a lot of action.
My book club is reading Infinity for our next meeting. It is one of my member's favorite series ever. It will be interesting to see what they all have to say.
Published by St. Martin's Griffin, 2010
Copy purchased (and will be donated to the library)
464 pages
Rating: 3/5

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