Global warming has caused entire cities throughout the world to be flooded and destroyed. Storms hit that wipe out entire populations. The government has drafted twenty-two teenagers to make a trip to one of Mars' moons -Europa - to set up a settlement for Earth's population under the moon's surface. They have to send teenagers so they will live long enough to complete their mission.
Leo, from Italy, and Naomi, from California, are two of the drafted. Leo desperately wants to be one of The Final Six, since his entire family was killed and he's barely subsisting. Naomi has led a more protected life. Her family is safe, but her little brother has severe heart disease, and Naomi is his protector. She intends to blow the tryout so she can come home.
There are twists and turns and of course, the government isn't being totally forthcoming about their training or their mission. There's a magic potion that has strange effects on some of the teens. Some of the teens are evil, some are sympathetic, and some really aren't developed at all. A romance is inevitable, and Naomi's intentions are necessarily altered.
The tension mounts nicely, and at the end, just when we think all is lost, we get a thread of hope -- and then we must wait until the next installment.
All of that is great, but here's my problem. This book is so much like Nyxia, a book that I really enjoyed, that the constant comparisons in my head perhaps tainted my enjoyment. Nyxia came first, so naturally, I felt The Final Six was inferior. At the end of my review of Nyxia, I stated that I could see this book on the big screen. I've read that The Final Six has been optioned by Sony Pictures. Huh.
If you haven't read Nyxia, you should be able to read and enjoy The Final Six without bias. If you have read Nyxia, and then read The Final Six (or read them in opposite order), I'd like to know what you think.
The Final Six is exciting, timely, and should be recommended to your Sci-Fi fans.
Published by HarperTeen, March 6, 2018
eBook obtained from Edelweiss
352 pages
Rating: 4/5