The first part of the book is about Pete Banning, who is a cotton farmer in Mississippi in the late 1940s after WWII. He is a decorated war hero, who was presumed dead for two years, before returning home injured after escaping the Japanese and working with some guerilla warriors in the Philipines. After having a final breakfast with his sister, Florry, at her house adjoining his farm, Pete goes to the Methodist preacher's office and shoots him in cold blood. Pete turns himself in and refuses to mount a defense as to why he gunned down this pillar of the community. He will not explain his actions to anyone. We go through the trial and sentencing. Pete's wife is in a mental institution. His children are away at college and haven't seen their mother since she was committed two years ago. Pete doesn't want them anywhere near his trial.
The second part of the book goes back and describes Pete's early life and how he met and fell in love with his wife. Then we hear in great detail, the ordeal Pete went through during his time in the war.
The third part of the book is about Pete's family, back after his trial, trying to pick up the pieces. There are wrongful death lawsuits, and many other issues to be overcome. But mostly everyone (including the reader) wants to know why Pete did what he did.
Yes, there is a surprise ending. What you think the reason for Pete's murderous rampage was, is kind of correct, but not really. I just didn't think the twist at the end warranted all the pages and pages of the middle section. Although I learned a great deal about the war in the Philipines, the Bataan death march, and how cruel the Japanese were. Maybe that was Grisham's point. He just wanted to write a WWII book, and this is how he did that.
I have no problem with it and enjoyed the read. Just don't expect his typical courtroom drama. And, really, it's been a while since he's written one of those, I think? A good writer can make any subject entertaining, and Grisham has succeeded.
Published by Doubleday, October 23, 2018
eARC obtained from NetGalley
432 pages
Rating: 4/5

This is a Grisham that I haven't read yet, but it sounds good. I feel like this author is starting to do more books that aren't his typical lawyer books.