Day (now called Daniel) and June are some of my favorite characters ever, and even though Rebel is about Daniel's brother, Eden, both Daniel and June play a big part. Eden and Daniel live in Ross City in Antartica. They moved to this domed, high-tech city because it is supposed to be the new perfect system. Eden is about to graduate from the academy and is a top scientist. Daniel works for this new government as a detective -- like an FBI agent. Who would have thought?
Everything seems perfect. If you work hard, you earn points. If you don't get into trouble, you earn points. If you cause trouble, you lose points. The more points you have, the better access you have to the finer things in life. It all seems like a great system.
But there are secrets. There is an underworld of people who have few or no points, and it is impossible for them to raise themselves. It seems not only are luxuries withheld, but for these people, they must do without basic necessities--like food, shelter, and medicine. This low level is, of course, full of crime and corruption as well.
I don't want to say too much more. Eden gets involved in the underworld and ends up associating with a very powerful, bad man. A man that Daniel has been trying to find and arrest. The brothers don't get along very well and don't communicate. They are both having nightmares about their past life in The Republic, but they don't help each other. Daniel thinks his most important job is to protect Eden from anything evil. Eden just wants Daniel to trust him and let him grow up and use his talents.
Of course, they end up fighting for their lives and the life of Ross City. They plot and scheme to make the world a better place. And June, who works for The Republic, ends up involved.
Rebel wasn't as tense as the Legend books, but it was dramatic enough to keep my interest. And Rebel provided a nice, comfortable conclusion to the series. I'm glad I read it, and if you have read the Legend series, you should make sure you get your hands on Rebel.
Published by Roaring Brook, October 1, 2019
eARC obtained from Edelweiss
384 pages
Rating: 4/5

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