Kelsie spends most of the book trying to figure out a way to defeat the Red Queen, which given the strength of this enemy, is impossible. She doesn’t think her sapphire stones are working, but she is able to work a lot of magic that seems like it could only come from the stones.
Kelsie also continues to have visions that debilitate her. This time it’s of a woman in the past, before the crossing. She sees a United States that is in our future, but in Kelsie’s past. We learn why and how the crossing was accomplished. I gotta tell you, the first time this flashback happened, I thought there was a mistake in my ARC it was so abrupt and jarring. I really thought a chapter from another book got included by mistake. Later in the book, when the visions were more a part of Kelsie, it made more sense.
As a matter of fact, as the book went on, it got much better. My first impression of Invasion of the Tearling is that it’s too long. Way too long. It takes so much time to actually get going. I got bored. I took a break and read another book and then came back, and things picked up.
We also learn why the Red Queen hates the Tear so much. I enjoyed the ending. Things are still dire, but Invasion of the Tearling ended with some things in a good place.
If you enjoyed Queen of the Tearling, I would recommend Invasion of the Tearling. Just be prepared for a slow start.
eARC obtained from Edelweiss
528 pages
Rating: 4/5

Great review! I agree with you about the flashback chapters. I was super confused at first, especially since I hadn't heard that that character was going to be included prior to reading. As it went along I really appreciated those chapters though, since I really want to learn more about The Crossing and how it happened. I can't wait for the next book. This one was a little long but I love long books so it didn't bother me.
ReplyDeleteCayt @ Vicarious Caytastrophe