What are some of your biggest pet peeves with books?
Well, by far my biggest pet peeve is what I call "soap opera" books. You know, those ones that are just episodes of a bigger story. There isn't any resolution to the plot line. Now, some call this a cliffhanger, and it is. But it's WORSE than a cliffhanger. This is a book where the pages run out in the middle of the story. I abhor that and at times have refused to read the next "book" (in quotes, because I don't consider these episodes to be books!) OK. I'll stop ranting now.
Another pet peeve I have is when the romance in a book is unfulfilled because of lack of communication. The two parties can't get together because of misunderstandings or misinformation simply because they won't ask, or talk, or come clean. This is a cheap plotting device, and I find it frustrating and annoying as a reader.
The "choose your own ending" book. You are the writer, I want you to tell me the story. I don't want to decide what happened. Finish the story.
Fantasy books where the magic saves all. I like fantasy, I like magic. But I don't like it when every time the characters are in a sticky, dangerous position, magic saves the day. Every time. Very weak plotting. I need more from my fantasies.
I think that's about all. There are little things, but I think I'm fairly tolerant as a reader (except for those soap operas!) How about you? What bugs you? Leave me a link. Be sure to visit our hosts, Alison and Parajunkee, and "like" your favorite entrants. (I keep forgetting to do that, but I'm going to be better.) Thanks for stopping by and come back soon!

Great post. I tend to avoid books that are heavy on the romance because almost everything about book romances annoys me. A lack of communication is a big annoyance because communication problems are pretty easy to solve.
ReplyDeleteAj @ Read All The Things!