Dividing Eden just took a long time to get going, but in Eden Conquered, the excitement starts at page one and continues to ramp up until the exciting conclusion. If you haven't read Dividing Eden, you should probably quit reading this now and go check it out.
For most of the book, we get two perspectives. One is Carys who has left Eden after faking her death. She's trying to figure out who she can trust (pretty much no one) and what the almost constant whispering in her head is about. She is no longer addicted to the drugs her mother provided, so things are much clearer. She is sure she is being betrayed by people who are really loyal, and she is being betrayed by those she thinks she can trust. It is a constant struggle as she tries to find answers.
Meanwhile, the other perspective is her brother, Andreus, who is now king of Eden. He has much the same problem as Carys--trying to figure out who he can trust. And also, it doesn't seem like there are many people he can. The Elders who are serving him are all suspect. And the wind, which keeps the lights on and keeps the kingdom safe from the zombie-like creatures called Xhelozi, has died. He has a lot to worry about and doesn't have much support.
As Carys finally returns to Eden (I don't think that is too much of a spoiler) the two points-of-view become merged. Will Carys and Andreus be able to work together to save Eden? Or will Eden be conquered?
You'll want to find all that out for yourself. If you've read Dividing Eden, you will definitely want to get your hands on Eden Conquered. If not, start with that one. It will be worth it, I promise.
Published by HarperTeen, June 5, 2018
eARC obtained from Edelweiss
320 pages
Rating: 4.5/5

How great that book 2 was even better than book one! Now let's hope book three (because there is always a book 3) is even better!