Sunday, January 20, 2013

Do I Have Anything to Discuss? Falling Asleep

I keep reading this in your book reviews: "I stayed up until 3 a.m....I just couldn't put it down! Even though I had to go to work the next day..." Or, "I was so tense I couldn't wait to find out what happened, so I stayed up and finished the book."

Uuugggghhhh!!! How do you do that? Is there a trick? Please let me know. Because I read before I go to sleep pretty much every night .... and I can be reading something riveting... a "five hat" book, I can be at a tense, pivotal point in the plot. And still --- I find myself having "read" three pages that I don't remember. I wake up, realizing that I'm not reading -- I'm sleeping! But the book is so good, so I plod on. And, the next day I just have to read everything again because I don't remember it. No matte how bad I want to read, I can't. My body just WON'T stay awake.

I really WANT to stay awake. I have goals... but I can't keep them after my bedtime.

Am I alone? Do others have this problem? Even though you love to read, and are reading a really great book, do you fall asleep?

If you don't --- do you have any advice? Techniques? Tips? Especially when I DON'T have to go to work the next day, I'd really like to be able to stay awake to read! Help!

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  1. I'm one of those people who stays up until 1:00 AM when I have to be up at 5:30 but I'm a night owl. I have every light in the house on and music going. The only thing that tells me it's late is the clock.

    1. I should probably stay up in a chair. One of my problems is I try to read in bed, then before I know it, I'm asleep!

  2. I can't stay up all night reading either, much as I would love to. I blame teaching - I'm always exhausted by 10pm!

    1. Maybe that's it. Maybe once I retire, I'll be able to stay awake longer (and sleep later). It's probably all related...

  3. I think you have to train yourself to be a night owl first. I have had a couple of books where even though I went sleep I couldn't and just woke up to finish the book. The next day is hard though, lol

    1. I'm the opposite. Even though I WANT to read, my body sleeps.

  4. In my case it's usually just pure unadulterated stubbornness. If I'm enjoying the book enough, sleep seems less important, and I can usually fit in a small nap next day if I really need it :)

    1. It's my body -- not my mind. Even if sleep seems less important, my body is sleeping before I know it!

  5. I don't even get that far Annette! I know I'm too tired to read so I don't even try and just hit the pillow! I keep thinking I'll read when the kids are out but they wear me out by night's end. I make it up later in the day ..sneak my reading in whenever I can ... though lately I've been suffering from an awesome rut! But I think it's starting to turn around. --Good luck to you. If you're in a bind, maybe I can review one or two ..I don't seek books to review so I have few (authors still seem to find me!) and I spread it out well.

    1. I don't know how you mothers with young kids get to read AT ALL. I certainly didn't read that much when my kids were young! I also wasn't a librarian then, so that had something to do with it too!

  6. I used to be one of those people who could stay up late reading. But in those days I only read one or two books a month, so if I did it irregularly it didn't kill me. Now I am trying to read 10 books a month. Now I have to read as if I am doing homework, so I have to do it, by in large, sitting up. If I take a book to bed I usually only get a few pages read before I can't stay awake.


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