Here's the problem. I'm just really burned out on princes and princesses, forbidden romance, big secrets, and magic or fairies. Recently I've read The Cruel Prince, Song of Achilles, Morning Star, and Furyborn. And there was another one that I did not finish that I won't mention. All of these books have some or all of these elements. Onyx & Ivory says, "for fans of Leigh Bardugo," and I completely agree. Or Sarah J. Maas. I remember when I just couldn't read any more dystopians, just because they were dystopian. So, that's where I'm at.
I read 37% of Onyx & Ivory, so I got a good feel for the book. Kate's father tried to assassinate the king, so she's been banished. She's gotten a job as a rider for the Relay, to deliver mail from town to town. There are zombie-like creatures that come out at night, and these towns use magic to ward them off. But there are some people with hidden magic who will be killed by the inquisition if their magic is revealed. Kate is one of them.
She used to be best friends with the prince, Corwin. Kate ends up saving him from these creatures, so they end up seeing each other, which they haven't done since Kate left. And it seems like there will be a rekindled romance between these two, but that's about as far as I went.
The pacing is great, the characters are interesting, and the writing is good. There isn't really anything wrong with Onyx & Ivory except the subject matter. And if you are still in the mood for these romantic, magical books involving royalty falling for commoners, then, by all means, pick it up. I will purchase this one for my library.
Published by Balzer + Bray, May 15, 2018
eARC obtained from Edelweiss
190/512 pages
Rating: DNF

I like that you realize the problem is you've O.D'd on fairies, etc. I feel that way about dystopian. I haven't read one in years after reading TONS of them.