You definitely want to read this series in order, so go away and come back after you've done that.
Really, Blood of My Blood is just more of the same. Billy Dent has upped the ante though. Things are getting more dangerous because now they're personal He's coming after Jazz -- and some other loved ones. There is a lot of violence again. Everyone gets physically hurt.
Howie and Connie are once again great supporting characters and great friends. The tension ramps up through the book and you are never sure if things are going to work out -- or more specifically, what awful things are going to happen before things work out.
And the twist at the end -- well, I sure didn't see that coming. I loved the ending. Pretty much all the loose ends are tied up, but not too perfectly.
I loved this entire series. My only complaint was that Game didn't end. It just stopped -- brutally in the middle of the action. But you don't have to worry about that because the third book, this one, is available immediately so you can read them right in order, one after the other.
If you can handle a little blood and gore, Blood of My Blood is a great ending to an exciting, suspenseful, and unpredictable series. Go get it.
Published by Little, Brown BFYR, 2014
Copy obtained from the library
468 pages
Rating: 5/5

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