This is the first time I've participated in this meme starated at The Story Siren with some inspiration from Alea of Pop Culture Junkie.
The idea behind IMM was not only to put new books on your radar but to also encourage blogger interaction. IMM explores the weekly contents of my mailbox & books bought. And sometimes other fun goodies.
Anyone can participate in IMM and you are not limited to only sharing books that arrive via your mailbox. You can also share books that you've bought or books that you've gotten at the library.
Here's what I have to share this week:
From NetGalley to Review:
Delirium by Lauren Oliver
The Mermaid's Mirror by L. K. Madigan
The Lying Game by Sara Shepard
To Review:
Bongo Fishing, by Thacher Hurd
Choker by Elizabeth Woods
Drought, by Pam Bachorz
I Will Save You by Matt de la Pena
Moon Over Manifest by Clare Vanderpool
From the Library:
Hush, Hush by Becca Fitzpatrick
Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie (audiobook) by Alan Bradley
Hope you have a great READING WEEK!
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Sunday, October 31, 2010
The Lacuna, by Barbara Kingsolver

The Lacuna is the life story of a fictional character named Harrison Shepherd. But, this book is full of fascinating historical events and real characters. The story is told as entries into Harrison’s diaries. These diaries were published by his typist and friend Violet Brown, who we meet later in the story.
Shepherd’s parents split up, and since his mother is Mexican, they move to that country when he is twelve. His mother goes through a string of boyfriends, and therefore Harrison is moved from place to place and to different schools and jobs. The story gets interesting when he begins to work mixing plaster for Diego Rivera, the famous painter. His wife is Frida Kahlo, also a famous Mexican painter, and she becomes Harrison’s life-long friend. These people are communists and end up hiding Lev Trotsky after he is banished from the Soviet Union by Stalin. Even though there is much danger, Harrison loves working for Lev as a cook and typist.Harrison is very interested in Mexican history, so the reader learns about Cortez and the conquest of the Aztecs. Harrison ends up returning to the U.S. at the beginning of WWII, and lives in Asheville, North Carolina. Violet Brown enters the story here. We learn a lot about the feelings of the people during the war – the rationing and sacrificing that each person made for the good of the war. Harrison decides to write a novel about Cortez and the Aztecs and it becomes a best-seller.
The last part of the book is during the McCarthy era, when Harrison is accused of being a communist sympathizer, so we learn a lot about the feelings and activities of that era. The ending is somewhat of a surprise, but is satisfying.
I liked this book – but I’m a fan of historical fiction. I love learning about history through the eyes of people who (fictionally) lived through it. I know this book isn’t for everyone, but if you are a lover of history and great characters, you should give this book a try.
Hush, Hush

Nora is attracted to Patch, unlike any other attraction she has ever felt. She also senses there is a danger associated with this relationship. She finds herself doing things that she would never have considered before. She can feel the unnatural pull and can even tell that Patch is putting thoughts into her mind. The suspense and danger build, until the reader discovers the truth about Patch and his friends.
This book is exciting. It’s romantic. I can think of many potential teen readers that I would hand this book to. But, there are a lot of unbelievable aspects to the story. I’m not buying that Nora is 16-years-old and her mom leaves her basically alone and fending for herself. To me, the character of Dorothea, the housekeeper, was weak and since she disappears half way through the book, unbelievable. Even after Nora’s mom returns from her business trip, she is NEVER home.
I get it – these stories (Twilight, Shiver, etc.) require parents who are inattentive and this is how Fitzpatrick has allowed her story to unfold.
I’m not buying that a teenager would call 911, and the investigating officers would leave her house without talking to a parent. I’m not buying that Nora is so stupid and naïve – I won’t be specific about the many examples of this, because I don’t want to give away any of the plot.
But . . . as I’ve already said, teen girls are gonna love this one!
high school,
Bongo Fishing, by Thacher Hurd
Bongo Fishing is a delightful, adventurous middle school read. I think boys would especially like this colorful story.
I received this Advanced Reader’s Edition from Library Media Connection Magazine. Please look for my complete review in an upcoming issue!
I received this Advanced Reader’s Edition from Library Media Connection Magazine. Please look for my complete review in an upcoming issue!
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Dissolution by C. J. Sansom
A murder mystery set in the 1500’s makes very interesting reading. The book’s main character, a lawyer named Shardlake, is sent by Cromwell to a monastery where another of Cromwell’s solicitors has been murdered.
First of all, the book taught me much about life in England during the Reformation. There is also
much about life in a monastery, and the political atmosphere under King Henry, who was trying to do away with the Catholic church.
The mystery aspect of the book kept my interest. I wouldn’t say this was a book that I just couldn’t put down, but I really wanted to find out “who did it,” and never considered not finishing the book. The tension builds towards the end, and I hadn’t figured out the mystery until it was revealed.
This was a very satisfying read, and I would recommend it to those who like historical mysteries.
First of all, the book taught me much about life in England during the Reformation. There is also

The mystery aspect of the book kept my interest. I wouldn’t say this was a book that I just couldn’t put down, but I really wanted to find out “who did it,” and never considered not finishing the book. The tension builds towards the end, and I hadn’t figured out the mystery until it was revealed.
This was a very satisfying read, and I would recommend it to those who like historical mysteries.
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Before I Fall

I don't know how the author, Lauren Oliver, pulled this off. I can't imagine writing a book about the same day over and over, but she does a brilliant job. It doesn't get boring or old; each day is different. It is interesting to see Sam's emotional progression through these days. She pretty much goes through the stages of grief. She' confused and unacccepting. She's rebellious. She wants to fix everything.
The strong message of the book is that we should realize that what we do and how we act affects other people, sometimes profoundly. There a many other messages that can be gleaned from these pages.
I work in a high school. I know these girls. I'm sure they exist in every high school. I want to take this book and hand it to some of them (and hope it does some good!) I want to thank the author for writing this. It is one book that I won't have trouble recommending to students. Easy to read, but powerful. Great combination.
Saturday, October 23, 2010
One Lovely Blog Awards–Passing It On!
I received the One Lovely Blog Award from Lost In Y.A. Wonderland. Thank you very much. I’m really honored.
Here's how it works:

Here's how it works:
- Accept the award, post it on your blog together with the name of the person who has granted the award and his or her blog link.
- Pass the award to 15 other blogs that you’ve newly discovered.
- Remember to contact the bloggers to let them know they have been chosen for this award.
- Book Talks by the Library Lady
- Literary Explorations
- Miss Page-Turner’s City of Books
- Irresistible Reads
- Makeshift Bookmark
- Kelly’s (Former) France Blog
- Midnight Book Girl
- Attack of the Book
- The Mimosa Stimulus
- The Teen Bibliophile
- BookGirl’s BookNook
- Forever Young (Adult)
- Wooksy
- Anna Reads
- Recklessly Reading
Friday, October 22, 2010
Blogger Hopping and Friday Following . . .
Please visit these sites to join up for these two really fun lists of great blogs to follow. Add your blog to the list and check out some other blogs and see their answers to this week's questions.
Thanks for stopping by!
This week's Book Blogger Hop question comes from Becky who blogs at Becky's Barmy Book Blog:
"Where is your favorite place to read? Curled up on the sofa, in bed, in the garden?"
My answer: As much as I read, I really need to read EVERYWHERE (and I do!) But my favorite place to read is my couch at home, or in my bed before I go to sleep.
The question from Follow Friday -- from Emily @ What Book is That?
What are you currently reading? Basically, What book is that?
My answer: Before I Fall, by Lauren Oliver (you can seet the cover in the sidebar of this blog.)
I'm also listening to The Lacuna by Kingsolver. I'm almost finished, so check back soon for my review!
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Twenty Boy Summer

Fast forward over one year, and Frankie and Anna are going with Frankie's parents to the annual beach vacation in California. They make a pact to meet twenty boys during their three-week trip. But that's not really what the book is about. Yes, there is a certain quest for sex, but there's much more to this book. It isn't really light-hearted. There's a lot of baggage between these two teens. Frankie still doesn't know about Anna and Matt's relationship, and it has caused a rift. Anna's parents are still having difficulty with their loss and helping Frankie to deal with her loss. There is a lot of growing up to be done and hopefully some healing during this summer vacation.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
WWW Wednesdays
* What are you currently reading?
* What did you recently finish reading?
* What do you think you’ll read next?
My Answers:
* What did you recently finish reading?
* What do you think you’ll read next?
My Answers:
I'm planning on reading Before I Fall, by Lauren Oliver next!
Join the fun. Go to Shoud be Reading and add your link!
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
I Quit

I kept wondering why I couldn't keep the characters straight, and I think it was because there was not much character development -- they all seem very one dimensional. I had trouble in several places with the pronouns -- in a conversation between several people, I couldn't figure out to which "she" the author was referring.
I guess I just didn't have patience for this book. It's a quick read. I just couldn't wait for something to happen. I suspect something good happens, because like I said, I've read good things about this book. So, maybe I'll take another shot at it some other day. Let me know if you think I should . . .
Monday, October 18, 2010
Sarah's Key

There is a contemporary story to go along with Sarah's story that makes the book much easier to read. Julia, the narrator, is a reporter for a French newspaper and an American. Her French husband is remodeling his grandmother's house for them to move into. Julia, while on assignment to write about the Vel'd'Hiv', finds out that a Jewish family lived in this house prior to this event.
Sunday, October 17, 2010

The book is about the beginning of WWI, when Franz Ferdinand was assassinated. The main character in the story is a fictitious son of Ferdinand, Alec. After the assassination, he is whisked away by supporters of his father. The fun part of the book is the weapons and transportation devices that Westerfeld has created. (What an imagination!) The "Darwinists" have weapons and machines that are alive -- based on genetically modified and combined species. The Germans and Austrians (the Clankers) have machines, but they are very different than our war machines -- they travel on legs and are referred to by the number of legs they have (the more, the better.)
Dylan is the main Darwinist, and she ends up flying on the Leviathan, a whale-based creature that is lifted by hydrogen. Dylan is also interesting because she is posing as a male, so that she could join the service. Of course, Alec and Dylan end up meeting up in the most perilous of situations, and so instead of being enemies, they must come to each other's aid. The book includes wonderful illustrations that add to the rich descriptions of the creatures and machines. The suspense will keep you turning pages, especially at the end of the book -- which is a very quick read.
There's a nice description of what is true and what isn't at the back of the book. You might want to read that before the end. I had actually "Googled" Franz Ferdinand so I could figure out the history after I read the first few chapters. So I learned a lot about the history of the First World War while I was at it.
Give this book a try if you like a good adventure. I think the book is very appropriate for middle or high school students.
Sunday Kickoffs!
Someone added my blog to "Sunday Kickoffs" at . . Thanks!! Check out other new blogs on that page -- there's a lot of great ones!
Friday, October 15, 2010
Book Blogger Hopping again!! (Great way to spend a Friday . . .)
Welcome, and I hope you enjoy your visit! Book Blogger Hop is hosted by Crazy-For-Books and it's great fun. Go to that site and click on a bunch of book blogger sites and you will find lots of friends. There's new adventures every week. You also get to answer a question. Here's this week's:
"When you read a book that you just can't get into, do you stick it out and keep reading or move to your next title?"
I'm going to repeat what I've already read others say -- my "to read" pile is way to big to spend a lot of time on a book that I'm not enjoying. Since I enjoy reading a wide variety, this rarely happens. However, if a book was sent to me to review, I will try to give it more of a chance, but I think the important thing is to read enough of the book to explain why you didn't enjoy it. In this case, I might even jump to the end to get a feel for that, too.
Happy Book Blogging!
Hamlet (the Novel)
The tension builds nicely towards the tragic ending; the characters' "lines" are believable -- not exactly Shakespeare's words, but close enough to be recognizable. I think student's interested in the story, or perhaps struggling with the Shakespearean version would find this easy to read and entertaining.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Flash Burnout by L.K. Madigan

Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Outlander, and impressions of my Kindle

Through a supernatural event, Claire is transported to the 1700s in Scotland. She has a difficult time keeping her secret and at the same time adjusting to her new life. She is a nurse, so is able to impress the locals with her healing powers. She is forced to marry Jamie, and then the big adventures begin, one after the other. The romance is tender, the characters are colorful, and the book is delightful.
As I said, I read this on my Kindle (this book was actually FREE from Amazon), and since the book is about 600 pages long, I got more acquainted with this device. I still love it. If you want it to feel more like a book, you might like a case that protects the device and opens like a book. Some of these cases come with book lights built in, but since I don't read in the dark much, I haven't felt the need for a light yet. I never used a book light to read a book, so I don't think I'll need one to read my Kindle. I don't want to have a case on the Kindle while I'm reading -- I love the feel of the back of the device -- sort of suede-like. I had thought I might get some sort of cute skin, but I don't want to cover up that soft surface. I purchased a Timbuk2 case, memory foam, fur-lined, Velcro closure that I am really happy with. It protects the Kindle and doesn't add much bulk. The only minor complaint I have is the keyboard at the bottom of the screen. You don't really use the keyboard that much, and I find I would like to rest my thumbs right where the keys are, but if I'm not careful, I press keys by accident. This isn't a big deal, just something I've noticed, and I'm not really sure what the solution would be anyway -- there's nowhere else to put the keyboard -- maybe the ability to lock it? I love that it has a built in dictionary because I'm usually too lazy to look up a word when I'm reading a book, but there are always words that I want defined. I read that one of the other ereaders doesn't have this feature (the Nook, maybe?) That would be a deal breaker for me. I have enjoyed being able to make the print larger, so I don't need to wear my reading glasses, which recently seem to have become a near-permanent fixture on my face. The print is clear, and causes no discomfort or fatigue. It is a joy to read using my Kindle.
Monday, October 11, 2010
Show Me The Money
This is another event I participate in hosted by Lori's Reading Corner. It's fun to visit all the blogs that enter. And I'm reading a pretty long book, so I don't have a review to post. Of course, if I would read instead of visiting everyone's blogs, I'd get finished sooner -- but what's the fun in that!
Friday, October 8, 2010
Time for the Book Blog Hop!!
This week's question from Crazy-for-Books:
What's your favorite beverage while reading or blogging, if any? Is it tea, coffee, water, a glass of wine, or something else?
Join the Hop!! Visit Crazy for Books.
Thursday, October 7, 2010
The Fetch

On the front of the book it says "A Supernatural Romance" and I guess this is part of the reason I was disappointed with the book. It really was an adventure, there was very little romance and I found myself being annoyed that it wasn't a romance. So maybe it's a better book than I'm giving it credit for, because it wasn't what I expected.
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Once Was Lost

Tuesday, October 5, 2010
A surprise award!
I am surprise and thrilled! I have been given the Versatile Blogger award by my new friend Pris over at The Benterud Bookshelf!! Check out her sight!
Here are the simple rules:
1) Link back to the blogger who gave the award;
2) Share seven things about yourself
3) Pass the award on to ten bloggers; then contact each of them.
So here goes:
1. I'm a dog-lover. I haven't posted pictures of her here, but I will soon.
2. I love to cook and sew. I have another blog about those hobbies:
3. My husband and I love to go camping in our 5th wheel trailer.
4. I'm the proud mother of two beautiful children who are both in college (one in grad school.)
5. Family means everything to me. We have a very localized, close family and they are my best friends.
6. I am the librarian at the school where I went to high school. I love being around teenagers.
7. I just got a new Kindle and I'm having a lot of fun with it. So far, I think it's GREAT!
I tried to make sure my winners hadn't won this before, but if so, I guess you deserve it again! It is my pleasure to now pass this award on, in no particular order, to:
4. Mike Draper
9. YA Bookmarks
10. A Casual Reader
Monday, October 4, 2010
Mississippi in the 1960s

The characters are just wonderfully developed. Each is distinct and believable. The story is compelling. The reader knows that it is likely things are not going to end well, and tension builds throughout the book. The farther I read, the harder it was to put it down. I found myself thinking about the book when I wasn't reading it (one of the characteristics, for me, that denotes a special book) and I'm sure I'll be thinking about it for a while since I'm finished.
Friday, October 1, 2010
This Week's Book Blogger Hop
Here's this weeks question from Crazy-For-Books:
"How do you spread the word about your blog?
(e.g. Social Networking sites, Book Blog Directories, comments on other blogs...)"
I'm relatively new to blogging, and really started just for myself, and I thought maybe some of my students would like to see what I've been reading. I've promoted it to them and to my family. I follow lots of book blogs and I've made some comments if I had something to say. I've mentioned this link on Facebook a couple of times, but my "friends" are limited. I think this Book Blogger Hop has gotten more people to visit than anything else. But like my heading says, writing about the books I read helps ME and that's the main reason I do it. I'm not usually into giveaways, library loots, etc. I just want to read reviews of books and add to my already substantial "books to read" list!
"How do you spread the word about your blog?
(e.g. Social Networking sites, Book Blog Directories, comments on other blogs...)"
I'm relatively new to blogging, and really started just for myself, and I thought maybe some of my students would like to see what I've been reading. I've promoted it to them and to my family. I follow lots of book blogs and I've made some comments if I had something to say. I've mentioned this link on Facebook a couple of times, but my "friends" are limited. I think this Book Blogger Hop has gotten more people to visit than anything else. But like my heading says, writing about the books I read helps ME and that's the main reason I do it. I'm not usually into giveaways, library loots, etc. I just want to read reviews of books and add to my already substantial "books to read" list!
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