Welcome to my meme, Monday Memories, where I feature favorite books we've loved from the past. You can link to an old review, or write something new about a beloved book from your past. Really, what's important is not the book, but why it is memorable to you. So, have fun reminiscing, and leave a comment below, so we can all enjoy your memories.
Reader's Digest Condensed Books. We used to have some of these on the shelves in my house when I was young. It was one of those things that I would pick up and read if I didn't have anything else to do, or any other books to read. They were also nice if you were interested in a story, but didn't want to spend the time reading the entire book, because they were condensed. I was surprised to find out that they were published until 1997, according to Wikipedia. Every story is listed by volume on this site. There are some very popular stories! I don't really remember any specific stories that I read, but I asked my husband, whose family also had some of these, and he said he remembers reading Don Quixote, USA. So I looked it up, and it was published in Vol. 67, the autumn of 1966.
We don't remember how we got them. They came through the mail, but I don't know if you subscribed to them, or if they sent them on consignment, and you either paid or shipped them back. I wonder if my mom remembers.....
It just reminded me of being a kid that loved to read. You would just grab anything that was around, and in this case, there were some pretty good stories available. Anyone else remember these or have these in their house? Do you remember any of the stories you read?
Share one of your cherished book memories!
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Or, just leave one of your Monday Memories right here in the comments.
Be sure to visit some other blogs that have posted their links. Thanks!

I liked yours far better than mine. My mom's best friend always had those Reader's Digest books in her bathroom.
ReplyDeleteOn the other hand between the ages of 10-12 my mother informed me I was not allowed to read her books with the lusty covers. ^.^ Not understanding what all the drama was, I took one and read it in secret. I was kind of rebellious, and a little disappointed in the book.
What popped into my mind when I read about your meme was high school, when my best friend Kristin introduced me to trash novels. I can't remember what the first one was called but it had a girl with long red hair running (kind of a tame cover...not so tame inside!). Cute meme!
ReplyDeleteMary @ Book Swarm
Well, my first ever blog... I just couldn't believe this posting as I was today looking all over the internet for an old Readers Digest Condensed Book I remember from my youth. I haven't had any luck finding it. Circa 1955-1958 Rudyard Kipling. The only thing I remember about the book was him mentioning his girl Friday. I saw a listing on Wiki that gives all the titles from the 1950's but nothing by Kipling. Sure wish I could find the darn thing. Second time in my life I set out on this adventure. On Ebay I have seen some editions in exactly the same binding as those books we had but of course nothing by Kipling. If anyone out there knows of another resource for me please respond. Thanks for the post..someone out there thinking of the same thing I was thinking of today..
ReplyDeleteInteresting. I followed the Wikipedia link and was impressed with all the titles. This might be a way to slowly introduce some of the classics to our children...
ReplyDeleteAlso, yes, I will not be reading Old Yeller anytime soon. I still need some more time to recover.
My parents used to have a collection of these. Though, I don't remember reading any of them. Except for Hugo's Les Miserables, I prefer to read the full version rather than an abridged, or condensed version of books.