Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry, by Mildred D. Taylor was the first audiobook I ever listened to (on cassette tape!) The students at my school all read this book, so we had a copy of the audiobook in the library. I decided to give it a whirl. It was awesome. The reader (Lynne Thigpen) was superb, and it's a really good story. So, I thought, "Wow, what have I been missing!" And, I assumed all audiobooks would be a pleasant experience.
Sadly, I soon found that NOT to be true. But, since then I have found many wonderful audiobooks and some really good ones. It's my "noise of choice" when I'm in the car, so I always have one available (now, on my iPod.)
If you haven't experienced audiobooks, I suggest you give them a try. If you don't want to try this one, I have several other favorites I can recommend. But, if you haven't read Roll of Thunder, I'd also highly recommend that you read it. Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry would be a great book to read along with your children.
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I love this audiobook! It is incredibly well done.
ReplyDeleteWhat a fun meme! I might have to join in sometime (now if only I didn't have about 3 Monday features already...) I love audiobooks, but there are some that just fall flat.