Monday, August 5, 2013

Book Review: The Meme Plague, by Angie Smibert

As I’m sitting here preparing to write my review of Meme Plague, I’m asking myself, “What was important in this book?” And, unfortunately my answer seems to be, “Not much.” After really enjoying Memento Nora and The Forgetting Curve, I found the third book, Meme Plague to be somewhat of a filler. We experience some character development, but not much action, and not much has changed for our characters. this happens in the middle book, but Meme Plague is the finale!

Most of Meme Plague involved our characters trying to get their memories back – those that they’ve lost from the TFC – the Therapeutic Forgetting Clinic. If you aren’t familiar with this series, you should probably click on the previous titles above and read my reviews, but the way that the population is controlled is by the Therapeutic Forgetting Corporation giving them pills to forget all their “bad” memories. Also, now chips have been implanted in the citizens so that the TFC can feed them memories, or make them forget things without any pills.

Our characters are rebels. They are also involved in making routers and planting them all over the city, so that they can have a secret internet. And, the MemeCasts are being broadcast again – including new issues of the graphic/comic books that Nora created to let people know what is really happening.

There are a few other story lines. Nora’s dad is trying to get sole custody from her mom – and plans to move Nora to France. Aiden is trying to make “dummy” chips that will be able to pass the authority’s checks, but won’t be susceptible to their programming. There’s an election coming up, and of course TFC is controlling the vote very carefully.

All of this makes an interesting story, but not very exciting or tense. Nothing seemed to move forward and there is little action. And we are left with not much of an ending. It's a surprise, and I guess it is hopeful, but I needed a bit more resolution. This is supposed to be the final book, but I'm left feeling like, "So, now what?"

Published by Skyscape, August 13, 2013
Copy obtained from the publicist through NetGalley
178 pages

Rating: 2.5/5

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1 comment:

  1. Sounds like this one was a pretty average read. I do like the sound of the sub-plots, but if it's not something that could easily hold my attention, I think I will pass. Thanks for sharing!


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