I like to do these summary posts mostly for me, so I have a record, but if you are interested, here's my reading accomplishments for 2013.
You can see the detailed list of all my reviews on my 2013 Review Archives Page.
I'd also like to mention that really I'm posting about books I reviewed in 2013 -- I think there were a couple reviews at the beginning of the year of books I actually read in 2012. Likewise, I already have a review ready to post in 2014 of a book that I read in 2013. It just gets confusing if I try to keep track of all that, and it's pretty much a wash anyway.
If you are interested in favorite books of the year, you can check out my 2013 End of Year Book Survey.
The numbers:
I read 167 books in 2013, which was actually 5 less than the 172 I read in 2012.
If you look at number of pages, I read 55,794, which is MORE pages than the 55,278 I read last year. So I guess that means that I read longer books in 2013. Average book length: 355 pages. Still less than the "all time high" 56,790 pages I read in 2011. Oh well. I really can't read any more than I do -- I do have a life, after all!
71 of the books I read were e-books, and 14 were audiobooks. Pretty close to 2012 numbers.
Average book rating (out of a scale of 5) was 3.83. This may seem a bit high, but I never give "1" ratings -- if a book is that bad, I don't finish it. And I rarely give "2" ratings (4 this year). 28 books got a 5/5 rating this year. That's about 18% of the books I read, higher than the 13% from 2012. I guess 2013 was just an awesome year for books!
Here's a link to my 2012 statistics, for comparison.
Reading Challenges:
The 150+ Reading Challenge, hosted by My Overstuffed Bookshelf: I read over 150 books, so *completed!*
The 2013 Ebook Challenge hosted by Workaday Reads: I challenged myself to read 75 Ebooks. I read 65. *fail.*
The Library Books Reading Challenge, hosted by Book Dragon's Lair: I challenged myself to read 24 library books. I read 50!! *EPIC win!*
The How Many Pages Will You Read? Challenge, hosted by Abducted by Books: I challenged mystelf to read 30,000 pages. I read 55,794 pages. *completed!*
And, the Books You Can Read in a Day Challenge, hosted my ME! I challenged myself to read 25 books in a day. I read 26. Whew! *barely completed!*
I'm hoping that 2014 will be about the same. I would always want to have bigger numbers, but I'm pretty happy with my numbers from 2013, and if I do that well this year, then I'll be happy with that!
How did your year go? Did you meet your goals? Are you surprised by anything? What about 2014? Are your goals the same, or are you making adjustments?
Thanks for visiting and Happy Reading!

I really enjoyed seeing all the books you read in one day, those are instantly appealing for anyone whose TBR pile is overflowing. :-) Glad you rocked the majority of your 2013 goals, and I hope your 2014 is full of more fabulous reading. Happy new year!