Monday, April 7, 2014

Book Review: Forgive Me, Leonard Peacock, by Matthew Quick

I have mixed feelings about Forgive Me, Leonard Peacock. It is well written and a riveting story, but I came out feeling really unsatisfied.

It's Leonard's 18th birthday and no one remembers. He doesn't have many friends, and is obviously very troubled about something. As we go through his day, he slowly reveals his problems and his reasons for planning to kill his friend, and then himself.

Leonard introduces us to some interesting people. And, I appreciate the fact that many of these people tried to reach out to Leonard, realizing that something was very wrong, but no one went quite far enough. Well, at least most people didn't. So the teachers and counselors don't look like complete idiots. His mother sure does, though. She is so bad, I had difficulty buying Leonard's story. Then when we finally meet her, I had even more difficulty. She was a bit too bad, a bit over the top for me.

I didn't like Leonard. I hate to say that, because he's obviously been bullied and has had a really hard life. But, he's also kind of a jerk. At many points I had difficulty feeling any sympathy for him at all. But then there's this big reveal and you understand a lot more about how deep his problems are.

I really needed more resolution to the ending, although I realize it was realistic (unfortunately.) Forgive Me, Leonard Peacock is a very readable book with interesting characters. It must, of course, be compared to Thirteen Reasons Why, and rightly so. I think teens who liked one of these books, would like the other. Forgive Me, Leonard Peacock is about a really disturbed teen contemplating suicide. Those who like those types of stories will certainly want to pick this one up.

Published by Little, Brown BFYR, 2013
Copy obtained from the library
273 pages

Rating: 3.5/5

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1 comment:

  1. I have read the book and I COMPLETELY understand what you mean about Leonard. I absolutely loved the book, but that was my personal taste and I can definitely see why some people wouldn't. The subject is raw, real, and not easy for people to deal with.


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