Thursday, February 19, 2015

Book Review: Unspoken, by Sarah Rees Brennan

Book Cover Unspoken by Sarah Rees Brennan
I had read great things about the Lynburn Legacay series, and Unspoken didn't disappoint. The unique take on magic is very intriguing.

The whole town of Sorry-in-the-Vale is on edge because the Lynburns have returned to Aurimere House. Kami, our main character, is on the story, since she is the editor of the new school newspaper. This town has a lot of secrets, and Kami is having difficulty getting anyone to talk.

Except the voice in her head. Kami has always heard a very specific voice, a boy who is named Jared, in her head. She can feel his feelings and thoughts, so she never feels alone.

There are two teen boys, cousins, that are part of the Lynburn family. Ash, who immediately takes interest in Kami, and wouldn't you know it, the other's name is Jared. Imagine Kami's and Jared's surprise when they discover that they can now see the person whose voice they have heard all their lives. Why has this happened? What caused these two people to be able to hear each other? It's all part of the mystery.

Their relationship is very awkward, but they must work together. Someone is sacrificing animals in the woods and trying to kill Kami, There are some cliched moments, and some careless choices at times, which add to the drama (and the predictability), but for the most part I bought into the whole scenario.

The secrets of the Lynburns and the whole town of Sorry-in-the-Vale are revealed slowly. The ending is startling, dangerous, and exciting. Kami is easy to care about and must make some very difficult decisions.

And the best part of all is that the problems in Sorry-in-the-Vale have only just begun. Untold and Unmade have already been published and I'm looking forward to joining these characters for more adventures!

Published by Random House BFYR, 2012
Copy obtained from the library
373 pages

Rating: 4/5

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  1. I have heard such wonderful things about this series but have yet to start it. sounds exciting and creepy. love the new cover too.

  2. This was one of my favourites too.

  3. Loved this one - the humor, characters and setting were perfect for me. I'm so glad you enjoyed this too! I can't believe I haven't gotten to the third book yet, I really need to get on that. :)


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