Banished takes place in 1759 BC in Mesopotamia. Forbidden left us hanging, and Banished picks up right away. Jayden is determined that Kadesh is still alive and she's going to find him. Her travels are treacherous, to say the least. She is a woman, traveling alone in the desert. When she does find Kadesh, nothing is OK. Horeb is constantly on their trail, bringing a huge army bent on war. They must get through the desert wasteland to Kadesh's kingdom in the south if they have any hope of survival.
It's just one thing after the other for their group. While Banished does increase the tension, the historical aspect is much downplayed compared to Forbidden. Banished is all about Jayden's journey and her trials getting rid of her betrothed, Horeb. It's much more of a survival story.
And, just as a side note, while the cover is beautiful, I just don't think it depicts Jayden. She wouldn't wear a dress like that in the Bronze Age, and she always had her hair up in the story. Just sayin'.
The book builds up the tension expertly. Even after it seems they may be safe and on the path to happiness, it just isn't to be. And we do want them to be happy - the romance is dreamy and they deserve it. Banished ends on yet another huge cliffhanger, which always leaves me with a bad taste. There isn't much closure to this exciting journey, so be warned. I'm already looking forward to the next book.
Published by HarperCollins, February 2, 2016
eARC obtained from Edelweiss
416 pages
Rating: 4/5

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