Moonglass is a touching book about family secrets and one daughter’s experience searching for the truth about her mother.
Anna and her father are moving. When Anna was very young, her mother used to walk on the beach with her and they would look for sea glass. One night, Anna’s mother walked into the water and never came out. This is the only home Anna has ever known, and she doesn’t want to leave.
They are moving to a new place, and it’s still on the beach, which helps Anna very much. Her father’s new job is at Crystal Cove State Park, and their new house is right on the ocean. This is the place where Anna’s father first met her mother, and as Anna adjusts to her new environment, she meets many people who knew her mother. She also makes some new friends, and a lifeguard who she might be attracted to romantically.
The book is about Anna slowly figuring out her mother and father’s story. It’s a romantic story, although it ended tragically. And there’s more to discover about her mother’s death. With the help of her friends and her father, Anna learns the truth, and in the process she becomes comfortable with herself, her father, and her new home.
I read this on the beach and it was perfect. It’s a quick read, and kept my interest. Anna is a sympathetic character, and I thought her dad seemed like a very authentic single dad. All of the side characters were interesting and helped Anna through some difficult times. Kirby describes the setting beautifully, and it is easy to picture. I hope Anna knows how lucky she is to live in such a special place.
I will recommend this to teen girls who like a realistic story with some sweet romance.
Published by Simon & Schuster, May 3, 2011
Copy won from Tara @ Fiction Folio
232 pages
Rating: 3/5

A friend read this recently and loved it. It's always refreshing to read a realistic YA book. Anna seems like a character I can like.
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