Welcome to my meme, Monday Memories, where I feature favorite books we've loved from the past. You can link to an old review, or write something new about a beloved book from your past. Really, what's important is not the book, but why it is memorable to you. So, have fun reminiscing, and leave a comment below, so we can all enjoy your memories.
I'm a big Dr. Seuss fan, as I'm sure most of us are. The Butter Battle Book was published in 1984, almost 30 years after The Cat in the Hat. I was already out of high school when this was published, so it didn't really hit my radar until I had kids. The book has the usually quirky rhymes and crazy words, as well as delightful illustrations, but it also has strong message of tolerance. The allusion is to the Cold War, where the Zooks and the Yooks could destroy the whole world over things like eating your bread with the "butter side down." On a smaller level, this one could be used as and anti-bullying story for young kids too.
And, if they don't get the message, it's still a fun, typical Dr. Seuss tale.
My son and I got into a deep discussion about why anyone would eat their bread with the butter on the bottom. He insisted that wasn't very practical.... That's what I love about these memory posts -- remembering my time as a child, as well as those special times with my children...
Share one of your cherished book memories!
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Or, just leave one of your Monday Memories right here in the comments.
Be sure to visit some other blogs that have posted their links. Thanks!

This reminds of a Veggie Tales episode about those who wore shoes and those who wore pots on their heads. Or the Lilliputian War over how you should break open your eggs.