Stephen's eighth grade year should be great, but when awful things begin happening to friends and family when he's around, he decides that somehow he is jinxed, and he needs to leave to protect his loved ones.
Stephen gets involved in a battle between "chaos" and "order" and along the way he is chased by some pretty horrible creatures called Chaons. He also meets an unusual ally named Daedalus.
Once Stephen leaves home, this book takes off and never stops. It definitely keeps your interest, as Stephen fights for his life, and to save lives around him. There are mysterious men who want to help him, but he isn't sure who they are and what motivates them. There is mystery and lots of action.
The book is very short, and although Lamont writes for younger readers, I did feel that there were parts of the plot that needed a bit more exposition. For example, it takes about three paragraphs for Stephen to decide to run away, and then instantly--he's at the bus station buying a ticket. There were a few spots like that, but for the typical teen reader, this probably isn't an issue. More astute readers will also want to know more about just where this jinx came from, and a little more about how Stephen's powers manifest themselves, especially during the ending.
For the intended audience (middle schoolers), I would not hesitate to recommend this to reluctant readers, especially boys, who like their adventure with a bit of a supernatural element.
Published by Jetpack Media, August 12, 2011
eBook obtained from the author
130 pages (qualifies for my Books You Can Read in a Day Challenge!)
Rating: 3/5

Haha, I like the title (one of my nicknames)! Glad it's not literal for me like for Stephen. --Like how you were specific in what was lacking.