Monday, March 14, 2011

Welcome to Monday Memories!

Welcome to my new meme, Monday Memories, where I'd like to feature favorite books we've loved from the past. You can link to an old review, or write something new about a beloved book from your past. Really, what's important is not the book, but why it is memorable to you. So, have fun reminiscing, and add your link below, so we can all enjoy your memories.

Memoirs of a Geisha, by Arthur Golden. This book is about the life of a Japanese Geisha, and also details Japanese culture before and during WWII. I loved this book, but part of the reason is because I read it when my husband and I were on a road trip, and we took turns reading it aloud to each other as we switched drivers. It was a book we both enjoyed, and I'll never forget that experience.

Tell me about one of your cherished book memories!

1. Do a Monday Memories post on your blog. Copy my button and link back here, so others can see all the other posts.
2.  Enter your Monday Memories link in the InLinkz List below.
3. Visit some other blogs who have posted their links.

Please add your Monday Memories link below. Remember to link to your specific post.

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  1. I've been meaning to read this for soooo long. I bought it years ago and now it's wasting away on my shelf. :(

  2. I've never read this one, although I have seen the film and it put me off a bit ...

  3. Memoirs of a Geisha was a wonderful book! It was so beautiful.


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