Monday, May 2, 2011

Monday Memories - The Hobbit

Welcome to my meme, Monday Memories, where I feature favorite books we've loved from the past. You can link to an old review, or write something new about a beloved book from your past. Really, what's important is not the book, but why it is memorable to you. So, have fun reminiscing, and add your link below, so we can all enjoy your memories.

I also wanted to let you know about another wonderful blog that you should check out. Ashley @ Books from Bleh to Basically Amazing does a weekly post called Memory Monday. She has been posting about her childhood memories of books. What's great about Ashley's site is that she is asking for guest posts for her Memory Monday event!  So hop on over there and check it out. I'm hoping to do a guest post for her soon!

My selection for this week is The HobbitWhen I was in seventh grade, our teacher read this book to us. She had such a good voice, and put so much into her reading. I will never forget her voice for Gollum! It shows you that you don't have to be a little kid to enjoy being read to. She inspired me to go on and read the entire Lord of the Rings trilogy. She may be what inspired me to listen to audiobooks, even to this day. And, it's all about the reader, as you  know if you've ever listened to a book. And, Mr.s Ingersoll, you were a GREAT reader!

Share one of your cherished book memories!

1. Do a Monday Memories post on your blog. Copy my button and link back here, so others can see all the other posts.
2.  Enter your Monday Memories link in the Link List below.
3. Visit some other blogs who have posted their links.

Please add your Monday Memories link below. Remember to link to your specific post.

1. mike draper  2. Courtney  

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  1. I've not read the Hobbit, but I have read the Lord of the Rings trilogy. I liked them, but didn't think they were amazing :/

    And I often think that storytime at the end of the day is the most exhausting part of being a teacher!

  2. I have read the Hobbit but I just barely remember it. I read it after I read the Lord of the Rings. I am really excited about the movie coming out though, so I might need to reread this one.

  3. I read this one after the movies started coming out. I still need to read Return of the King, but I remember being amazed that a fantasy could be so good. (I was a little biased against fantasy growing up. :P)

    I love that your teacher helped make this book come a live for you!

  4. I loved "The Lord of the Rings" and read it the last time in college.
    Thinking about a book I loved, I would say "The Grapes of Wrath" has been one of my all time favorites.

  5. I'm almost ashamed to admit this but...I've never read this book. I know, I know... I just never did.

  6. As I age I find that so many of my memories are tangled up in books or whatever I was reading when life happened. Cold Sassy Tree is one such book. I really do recommend it. Will Tweety's voice (the narrator of the story)is so authentic.


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