This Friday's Question:
Book Blogger Identity:
What occupies your time when you are not reading and/or blogging?
I've had a Mother's Day banquet at church this week, and last night I went to a machine embroidery seminar at a local fabric store (my other passion). I've also been super busy at work (usually I can manage to at least read some book reviews at work) and to top it all off, I'm reading a long book (Jane Eyre.)So my goal is to finish my book today, and get my information for the If You Like... post on Monday. What??? You haven't heard about If You Like...? It's a weekly meme hosted by Melanie at Reclusive Bibliophile that's a lot of fun. So, maybe you would like to check it out.
One of the questions for the blog hop this week is about what blogger you would most like to meet. I think it would be Melanie. I think we have similar tastes in books, and I love her dog, Wiki! She posts about her too, and she's a riot. I have a spoiled, wonderful dog, too, so I can relate.
I'm hoping for a relaxing weekend so that I can get to my embroidery machine and get some reading done. (Usually I can read while the machine is running, and get two things done at once!) I've posted about my embroidery projects at my other blog, The Housework Isn't Getting Done, but I haven't done much lately.
Hope you have a great weekend, and to all your mothers, Happy Mother's Day!

Hope you have a Happy Mother's Day and thanks for introducing the meme. I had not heard of it before.