Welcome to my meme, Monday Memories, where I feature favorite books we've loved from the past. You can link to an old review, or write something new about a beloved book from your past. Really, what's important is not the book, but why it is memorable to you. So, have fun reminiscing, and leave a comment below, so we can all enjoy your memories.
I also wanted to let you know about another wonderful blog that you should check out. Ashley @ Books from Bleh to Basically Amazing does a weekly post called Memory Monday. She has been posting about her childhood memories of books. What's great about Ashley's site is that she is asking for guest posts for her Memory Monday event! So hop on over there and check it out. I'm hoping to do a guest post for her soon!
Never Tease a Weasel, by Jean Conder Soule
This is another book in verse that I really loved. I can remember my mother reading this book to me, and I can remember reading it to myself too! The message is "be kind to animals" and here's the refrain:
But never tease a weasel, / Not even once or twice. / A weasel will not like it-- / And teasing / isn't / nice!
The link above is to the newer version of the book with new illustrations. My cover picture is of the old book that I remember. I'm glad it's been reprinted because I think it is a timeless story that children will still love today. Do any of you remember this book?
Share one of your cherished book memories!
You can do a Monday Memories post on your blog. Copy my button and link back here, so others can see all the other posts. Leave a comment below with the link to your post.
Or, just leave one of your Monday Memories right here in the comments.
Be sure to visit some other blogs that have posted their links. Thanks!

Ohh, I think I know that book! The rhyme of it sounds familiar, anyway.