Clare is no longer a misfit at school. After her assistance catching a killer, she is somewhat of a celebrity, and the popular girls are being friendly for a change...well, at least most of them are.
Sierra Waldman, a senior, is missing. She had always been home schooled, so even though she attended the same high school, Clare really didn't know Sierra. However, Clare has a desire to help the police find Sierra, even though they assume she's a voluntary run away, and since she's 18 years old, there's nothing they can do. However, Sierra's mother does come to Clare, her mother, and Perry for their assistance.
To refresh, or in case you haven't read Clarity, Clare can sometimes hold an item and tell who has held it before, Perry can sometimes communicate with dead people, and their mother can read minds. These skills are, once again, not the emphasis in Perception. They plays a small part in the mystery and resolution of the plot, but these are still normal teens living their lives and dealing with normal teen problems. That is the strength of this series, in my opinion.
Yes, the love triangle is a pretty big aspect of Perception. I really didn't understand why Clare was so torn; to me it seemed obvious who she was really supposed to be with. The romance isn't the reason I read this series, but it may be a big draw for teen girls. I enjoyed the addition of a new major character in Mallory, and hope we get to see the continuation of her and Clare's friendship in future installments.
The actual murder mystery was interesting, and I was surprised at the culprit. I think maybe I shouldn't have been, and some will suspect this person, but Harrington managed to get me. The plot moves very quickly, but was still detailed enough, especially at the end, to get my heart pounding a bit.
Perception is a quick read, and fans of mysteries with a bit of the paranormal and some romance will enjoy this. If you've read Clarity, there is absolutely no reason not to pick this one up. I hope there's another book, because I'm interested in reading more about Clare's sleuthing.
Published by Point, March 1, 2012
ARC obtained from Around the World ARC Tours
275 pages (Qualifies for my Books You Can Read in a Day Challenge!)
Rating: 3.5/5

I'm glad that you liked this one! I found Clarity to be a pleasant surprise when I read it, and enjoyed it more than I expected to. So I'm pretty excited to check out Perception.