Book Series Finales: Which book, from any series has been your favorite ending? What about your least favorite ending?
I'm not a big series"finisher." Often I have read the first book (Vampire Academy, Matched, City of Bones, or Body Finder for example) or first two books (haven't read Mockingjay, The Death Cure, Charmed Thirds, or Passion for example) and then never go any farther.
I have finished Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants and LOVED it. Even the new one, Sisterhood Everlasting. I have read all of the Harry Potter books twice. Loved them too. Ditto for The Wolves of Mercy Falls. I know some people didn't like the ending, but I was OK with it.
I've read all the Forest of Hands and Teeth books, and I guess I was a bit disappointed in the ending, just because I think it was open enough and I want more!
How about you? Do you finish all of your series? I usually have good intentions, but there are always so many new books, that I often put the series off. Let me know which ones are worth finishing. (I know, I'm going to read Mockingjay real soon!)

Have a wonderful break. I also don't finish all series, but Harry Potter and the Hunger Games both sucked me in to the end
ReplyDeleteHey! I don't usually finish books when they're in a series, I might read the second, but even that is pushing it. Haha and I always say that I love books that are part of a series, I'm such a liar! =) I'm definitely a new follower!
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I usually finish series, but I haven't read Forever yet. I also haven't read The Savage Grace or Forest Born yet.
ReplyDeleteI'm the type of reader that has to finish what I've started. But, sometimes, it takes a while.
I'm not a big series finisher either, but I also like Harry Potter & The Hnger Games - and Vampire Academy.