Annith can't understand why the abbess doesn't send her out on a mission. She's been faithful to St. Mortain, and she's proven herself the most skilled assassin at the convent. She's horrified to find out the abbess has chosen her as the next Seeress, which means she will never leave the convent again. Annith thinks there's more to the abbess' decision. That it isn't really Mortain's wish that Annith become a seer.
The abbess has left the convent to travel to the Duchess of Breton, since Breton is on the brink of war. Annith decides to sneak away from the convent and confront the abbess. Her journey is assisted by some unusual beings, and the tension only gets worse after she arrives at the castle.
Sybella and Ismae are both serving the Duchess, so the three assassins are reunited to save the kingdom. It's dangerous and adventurous. And Annith gets her own romantic story line too. Mortal Heart contains some startling revelations for Annith--more so that the other two books, but it only serves to enhance her strength.
Mortal Hearts delves into the mythology of the 9 gods that exist in this world. I think this was probably necessary to understand the motivations of the different peoples, but it wasn't my favorite part.
I felt the build up was a bit slow, but I think I felt this way because I couldn't wait to get to the adventure. I mean, that's what His Fair Assassins is about, right? It took a while for Annith to really get into a dangerous situation. But really, this is just impatience on my part.
If you like bad ass female assassins, you will love this series. I suppose it isn't necessary to start at the beginning because each story stands on its own. But I think you will get much more out of these stories if you know the background. So start at the beginning with Grave Mercy, if you haven't already.
Can't wait to get this one in the library for my teens.
Published by HMH BFYR, November 4, 2014
eARC obtained from Edelweiss
450 pages
Rating: 4.5/5