Gannon comes from a family who adopted 3 brothers from Guatemala 5 years ago. Since then, her parents have been so wrapped up in these troubled youths that Gannon, their oldest and only biological child, has become invisible. The stress of her life has caused her to be a cutter.
Brooks is in foster care, and has spent time in juvenile detention. He's involved with some drug dealers too.
When these two meet sparks fly and nothing is going to keep them from disaster. And, as a reader, you must just sit back and watch it happen.
Gannon's parents are awful. They have no idea how to handle these three troubled boys, and don't seem to get any help, and are too stupid to see what has happened to their daughter.
Maybe my perspective as a parent made this one more difficult. I was so frustrated and uncomfortable reading Bleed Like Me. I just wanted to jump in the book and shake almost every character.
Even the ending, which gives a little hope, didn't do enough to erase the stress I felt while reading this book.
The writing and characterizations are great -- otherwise I wouldn't have felt the emotion that I did. I just don't enjoy putting myself through a novel like this. But that's a personal thing. And it is, thankfully, a pretty short novel.
Published by Simon Pulse, October 7, 2014
eARC obtained from Edelweiss
288 pages (qualifies for my Books You Can Read in a Day Challenge!)
Rating: 3/5

This seems to be a good recommendation for my teens who are looking for dark books and have read all of Ellen Hopkins' books and the like. I'll check this one out. Thanks for the review, I haven't heard of this one before.