We begin in the year 2073, and each story goes backwards in time from there. We end up during the time of the Vikings. Each story takes place on an island called Blessed. Characters reappear in each time period.
Midwinterblood is essentially a love story, but I didn't really get that until the end of the book.
It's easy to read, and the stories are each interesting and loosely related to prior stories. The story does come full circle at the end, which helps. I was going to be really angry if we didn't go back to the beginning (which is the end.)
It's a very short book, and reads very quickly. However, its unique style makes it suitable to only a select population of teens. At least in my school. I think Midwinterblood would be an interesting classroom read. There are some wonderful literary themes and techniques that could be discussed.
So if you feel adventurous and have a few hours to spare, pick up Midwinterblood.
Published by Roaring Brook Press, 2013
Copy obtained from the library
262 pages (qualifies for my Books You Can Read in a Day Challenge!)
Rating: 3/5

I have this one on my Kindle. I'm intrigued that it's so different from other stuff out there.