Thursday, November 21, 2013

Book Review: Morning Glory, by Sarah Jio @sarahjio

My love for Sarah Jio's books continues with Morning Glory. I always know that her books will immerse me in a place and a time that I will be sad to leave.

Ada lost everything, her husband and her daughter, in an accident two years ago. She's tried to immerse herself in her work as an editor of a popular magazine, but she decides she needs to leave New York to get away from the memories. She quits her job and rents a houseboat in Seattle for the summer.

Now, of course we expect her to find a guy that she's attracted to and fall in love. And Jio writes this romance with her usual style. But, there's also a mystery on Boat Street. Many years ago the woman that lived in Ada's houseboat, Penny, disappeared. It's very clear that some of the people on Boat Street know more about this than they are letting on.

Ada can't stand not knowing what happened, especially after she finds a trunk of Penny's things, and she vows to figure it out. We get a dual perspective in Morning Glory. Penny's perspective reveals more than Ada knows, so the reader is always rooting for Ada to find out what we already know. It makes for quite a page turner.

We also eventually find out about the accident that killed Ada's family. What a surprise. The whole time I was just assuming car accident, but no. How horrible!

I'm not a big crier, but I did find myself tearing up a bit at the end of Morning Glory. The only thing I didn't like was the epilogue. I would have preferred that Jio just left that off. I think it tied things up a bit too nicely, and in doing so, the story lost a bit of credibility.

Jio fans should definitely pick this one up. If you haven't read anything by Sarah Jio, Morning Glory is a great place to start! Her books are sweet and clean and totally appropriate for teens too.

Published by Plume, November 26, 2013
eARC obtained from Edelweiss
304 pages

Rating: 3.5/5

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