Today, as part of The Teen Book Scene Tour, I'm welcoming Angie Smibert, author of The Forgetting Curve, the second book in the Memento Nora Series. Angie was kind enough to complete a word association for me.
What is the first thing that comes to mind for each
Memories—“…of the way we were.” Really, though, old photos.
Sweet Treat – chocolate (any kind)
Travel—ocity (as in the Gnomes).
Shopping – online (I don’t like shopping actually.)
Dogs – Bridget (She’s my 11-year-old lab-and-something-bigger-and-furrier mix.)
Sunshine—State (I used to live in Florida.)
Twitter—fail whale or twitter-verse.
Shoes—sandals (You can take the girl out of Florida, but she’ll always have sand between her toes.)
Creative—writing, naturally
Jogging—bra (I’d need one if I ever took up jogging.)
Thanks Angie, for joining me. I'm really looking forward to reading more about you and your book! The Forgetting Curve releases on May 15, 2012.
Please visit all the bloggers on the tour:
Monday, April 30: Bonnie at A Backwards Story (Author Interview)
Tuesday, May 1: Ivy at Ivy’s Reads (Character This or That: Aiden)
Wednesday, May 2: Jessica T at Hopelessly Devoted Bibliophile (Review)
Thursday, May 3: Annette at Annette's Book Spot (Author Word Associations)
Friday, May 4: Missy at Missy's Reads & Reviews (Review)
Monday, May 7: Jessica T at Hopelessly Devoted Bibliophile (Author Interview)
Tuesday, May 8: Missy at Missy's Reads & Reviews (Character This or That: Velvet)
Wednesday, May 9: Annette at Annette's Book Spot (Review)
Thursday, May 10: Alyssa at Teens Read and Write (Author This or That)
Friday, May 11: Bonnie at A Backwards Story (Review)

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