This is one of those series where each book is about a different character. So, while you may have some concerns that your beloved Ismae from Grave Mercy isn't the focus, you needn't worry. Sybella's story is just as exciting.
Sybella has been sent to her "family" home to spy on Count d'Albret, her father. Of course, Sybella wants to kill him, but d'Albret has no marque. The Reverand Mother does send her an assignment, though. She is to try to rescue one of the duchess' knights that is currently being held in d'Albret's dungeon.
Sybella works on a plan, but finds the knight in such bad shape that she may have to kill him to put him out of his misery, rather than send him back to the duchess. She attempts a rescue, but things don't go exactly as planned, and after a harrowing journey with several near-death battles, Sybella finds herself back in Rennes, in the duchess' castle.
There are a few assassinations, but mostly this book consists of Sybella (and others) killing in battle. Dark Triumph is really Sybella's story. We see her most inner thoughts and struggles. She has such a complicated life, and is so torn by what she sees as her destiny and what her heart desires. Yes, there is some romance in Dark Triumph and it is wonderful.
There is a huge list of characters in the front of Dark Triumph (at least in the ARC), and that always scares me a bit. I didn't think the list was necessary. I don't think I referred to it at all while reading Dark Triumph.
I guess you could read this book without having read Grave Mercy, but I wouldn't recommend it. You need to know about the convent and the assassins training and beliefs to truly appreciate what is going on in Sybella's heart. And, Ismae is in Dark Triumph enough that you will want to know her story anyway.
If you've read Grave Mercy, this is a MUST read. If you haven't, then I highly recommend both of these to fans of books with strong female heroes in exciting adventures. The third book is about Annith, who was referred to in Dark Triumph, but we haven't really seen her since Grave Mercy. I have faith that Annith's story will be just as compelling as Ismae's and Sybella's. The third book is called Mortal Heart, and we have to wait a whole year for it!
Published by Houghton Mifflin, April 2, 2013
ARC obtained from Around the World ARC Tours
386 pages
Rating: 5/5

I can't wait to get my hands on a copy of this one. I just loved Grave Mercy. Nice review.