Happy Book Blogger Appreciation Week!
Today's topic is COMMUNITY.
While the awards are a fun part of BBAW, they can never accurately represent the depth and breadth of diversity in the book blogging community. Today you are encouraged to highlight a couple of bloggers that have made book blogging a unique experience for you. They can be your mentors, a blogger that encouraged you to try a different kind of book, opened your eyes to a new issue, made you laugh when you needed it, or left the first comment you ever got on your blog. Stay positive and give back to the people who make the community work for you!
I'm celebrating my blogoversary (one year) on Saturday. I can't believe where I started and where I am now. I've learned so much from other blogs, and more importantly, I've found so many blogs I really ENJOY reading. They are great people. I really haven't met any of them in person; I can't go to BEA or anything like that. If you are a blogger in the St. Louis area, please let me know -- it would be fun to get to actually meet an talk with some bloggers. I see lots of posts about bloggers meeting up, and it looks like so much fun.
I'm going to talk about lots of things I've discovered about books an blogging in my Blogoversary post, so for now, I'm just going to list the bloggers that I admire and have learned from. Thanks to all of you!
Mary @ The Book Swarm - I particularly love her student's "Teen Reviews." Great job!
Rummanah @ Books in the Spotlight - she's a high school librarian from ILLINOIS!
Rachel @ Parajunkee's View - Great, helpful tips and an awesome meme
Melanie @ Reclusive Bibliophile - we have a lot of the same tastes in books, and she does a fun "If You Like" meme
Ginger @ GReads! - another very nice blogger, who has the same tastes. I also enjoy her TGIF meme. She wants to be a middle school teacher -- bless her heart!
Melissa @ One Librarian's Book Reviews - She's a librarian! And, one of the first book blogs I ever found and followed.
Alison @ Alison Can Read - This is a beautiful blog, and a very genuine blogger. She's always commenting and very helpful. She's also one of the hosts of the Feature & Follow Friday meme.
Jen @ I Read Banned Books - How can you not follow a blog with that name? Also, love to participate in her book tours. She makes it very easy....
Anna @ Anna Reads - another sweetheart blogger. Always cheerful, comments a lot, and writes very entertaining reviews
Jamie @ The Perpetual Page Turner - great reviews, and also posts interesting discussion posts.
I'm sure I've forgotten some. I follow about 250 blogs, and am faithful about my Google Reader every day. I also enjoy "lurking" on twitter. I make a comment once in a while, but I don't seem to be as entertaining as those who I follow! I've enjoyed writing my blog and you can tell how much I've learned from these fine people if you compare my first posts to my current posts (but I might be a little embarrassed if you do that.....)

ANNETTE! Stop lurking -- I love it when you comment on Twitter. It's my favorite, you crack me up. Thank you for your kindness, friendliness and beautiful reviews. Happy Book Blogger Appreciation Week!
ReplyDeleteOh Annette, thank you for always being an awesome commenter on my blog. I always look forward to what you have to say :-) Lots of love going around today & you definitely deserve it!
ReplyDeleteOh what a fun week to start the celebrations for 1st blogoversary.
ReplyDeleteHappy almost blogoversary!!!
ReplyDeleteI am always so thankful for your IYL contributions, and love our Twitter chats. Here's to another great year :)
Happy almost-blogoversary! You've highlighted some really great blogs here. My list of influential bloggers, if you are interested!
ReplyDeleteAw, you're awesome -- love your blog! And congratulations on your blogoversary!! Here's to many more *clink* Cheers!
ReplyDeleteMary @ BookSwarm
Happy Blogoversary.
ReplyDeleteCheck out my BBAW post. I gave you a shout out!
My Head is Full of Books
Happy Almost Blogoversary, Annette! =)
ReplyDeleteIsn't the blogging community, great?
Thank you so much for your shout-out! I love hearing about what books work well for your students.