Grace hasn't been in the woods since the events in Untraceable. But, now she has the opportunity, along with some other students, to research the red wolves in the mountains. They need to be tracked before winter to make sure they are healthy enough to survive. Wyn also volunteers, which is kind of touchy, since he isn't speaking to Grace and also has a new girlfriend.
They find a dead wolf, seemingly from natural causes, but Grace is concerned. She's also concerned because "the bad guy" from Untraceable hasn't been caught, and she fears he may come back.
The students get in a lot of dangerous situations. One after the other. Some of it from stupid decisions (but they are kids, right?) The peril makes for an exciting story, but really, how unlucky can one girl be?? So yes, I found some of it a little far-fetched, but still exciting. And, really not that predictable. I had some inkling of the "bad guy" in this one, but I wasn't sure, and I didn't get the whole story.
Grace continues to be spunky and strong -- although in Uncontrollable she exhibits more fear -- which is realistic under the circumstances. The romance gets a bit more intense in Uncontrollable as well.
The twists are nicely laid out, and I think teens - boys and girls - who enjoyed Untraceable will certainly enjoy Uncontrollable. Unstoppable, the third book, comes out in the spring of 2013, and I'll be looking forward to it.
Published by Coleman & Stott, September 26, 2012
eBook obtained from the author
288 pages
Rating: 3.5/5

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Thanks for the thoughtful post :)