This is my second time participating in the End of Year Book Survey, hosted by Jamie @ The Perpetual Page Turner.
Best In Books 2012
1. Best Book You Read In 2012? (You can break it down by
genre if you want)
I gave 22 books a 5/5
rating this year. But I’ve narrowed it down to a few.
Probably my all-time favorite of the year is The Fault in Our Stars. I just think it’s
a superb book, destined to be a classic.
For the dystopian category, I really enjoyed Legend. I just fell in love with those
I don’t read a lot of adult fiction, but I can’t narrow my
favorite adult books down to one. I listened to both of these audiobooks, and
they were awesome!
2. Book You Were Excited About & Thought You Were Going
To Love More But Didn’t?
The Raven Boys. I
couldn’t finish it, even though almost everyone says it was great. I just hated
the story. It never went anywhere!
3. Most surprising
(in a good way!) book of 2012?
The Girl of Fire andThorns. The premise sounded so stupid – a gem in her belly?? And, I’m not a
huge fantasy fan, but I LOVED the book, and have already read Crown of Embers and loved it too.
4. Book you
recommended to people most in 2012?
Wonder. I really
think it’s a book the EVERYONE, and I mean EVERYONE should read.
5. Best series you
discovered in 2012?
Throne of Glass. I’m
even reading the novellas (which I usually don’t enjoy, but in this case – they
are great!)
6. Favorite new
authors you discovered in 2012?
Sarah J. Maas (Throneof Glass), Rae Carson (The Girl of Fireand Thorns), Laini Taylor (Daughterof Smoke & Bone), and Barry Lyga (I
Hunt Killers.)
7. Best book that was out of your comfort zone or was a new
genre for you?
Like I said, Girl of Fireand Thorns was a surprise. I used to read everything Stephen King wrote,
but he started getting so wordy, and there were a couple I didn’t really like,
so I quit. However, I really enjoyed 11/22/63.
Brought back my faith in Steve…
8. Most thrilling,
unputdownable book in 2012?
A lot of books were unputdownable this year – yea!! The one
that first comes to mind, though, is Daughterof Smoke and Bone. I listened to this one on audio, and while the narrator
was awesome, I think we all know you can read a lot faster than you can listen.
And I wanted SO BADLY to know what was going to happen. It took everything I
had not to grab the book off the library shelves and finish it!
9. Book You Read In
2012 That You Are Most Likely To Re-Read Next Year
I’m not a big
re-reader. But I even said in my review for Cleopatra’s Moon that I wanted to re-read this book. This is another
one that I listened to on audio (which was excellent) but I think I’d like to
read the book. We’ll see if that really happens….
10. Favorite cover of a book you read in 2012?
I Hunt Killers.
The cover is awesome, but the best part is when you remove the dust jacket.
11. Most memorable character in 2012?
I’ve already mentioned that I loved Day and June in Legend. Something about their chemistry
and they seemed so real. I’ve already read Prodigy,
and my love continues. But, I can’t not mention Agustus in The Fault in Our Stars. He is truly unforgettable.
12. Most beautifully
written book read in 2012?
The Shoemaker’s Wife.
Trigiani poured her heart and soul into this one.
13. Book that had the greatest impact on you in 2012?
Beneath a Meth Moon.
What a heartbreaking situation. It made me feel so helpless. And, I have to
mention Wonder again. After all, if
it’s the book you recommend, then it must have had an impact, right?
14. Book you can’t
believe you waited UNTIL 2012 to finally read?
Finally. I actually just read it.
The Giver. Just
never got to it, but when Son came
out, I decided it was time. (Still haven’t read Son, though.)
15. Favorite
Passage/Quote From A Book You Read In 2012?
Conversation between Hadley and her father in The Statistical Probability of Love at FirstSight.
"I mean, I only knew him for a few hours. It's
ridiculous. It makes no sense."
Dad smiles, then reaches up to straighten his crooked bow
tie. "That's the way these things
work, kiddo," he says. "Love isn't supposed to make sense. It's
completely illogical." (193-194)
16.Shortest & Longest Book You Read In 2012?
Longest — 11/22/63,
by Stephen King at 849 pages.
Shortest — (excluding Novellas) Nutcracker by Hoffman at 102 pages.
17. Book That Had A
Scene In It That Had You Reeling And Dying To Talk To Somebody About It? (a WTF
moment, an epic revelation, a steamy kiss, etc. etc.) Be careful of spoilers!
Gone Girl. OMG.
Never saw that coming. And the ending…
18. Favorite Relationship From A Book You Read In 2012 (be
it romantic, friendship, etc).
Hadley and Oliver in TheStatistical Probability of Love at First Sight.
19. Favorite Book You Read in 2012 From An Author You Read
Well, since I’ve read a lot of John Green, I have to say The Fault in Our Stars.
20. Best Book You Read That You Read Based SOLELY On A
Recommendation From Somebody Else
I don’t think I would have ever picked up For Darkness Shows the Stars if not for
the recommendations of MANY bloggers.
Recommendations are especially helpful for adult titles, since I’m less
familiar. So I’d have to add TheDovekeepers and The Shoemaker’s Wife
Book Blogging/Reading
Life in 2012 (optional)
1. New favorite book
blog you discovered in 2012?
I’ve discovered MANY blogs this year. The first one that
comes to mind is The Teen Librarian’sToolbox.
2. Favorite review that you wrote in 2012?
I never think my reviews are that great when I write them.
But, sometimes when I go back and read one, I think, ‘Wow. You did a good job!”
I just don’t remember which reviews those are….
3. Best discussion you had on your blog?
Do I Have Anything toDiscuss: I Need to Back Off (a post about letting up on my frenetic
blogging pace.)
And, I can’t not mention Lovingthe “Next” Button. If you have a Blogger blog, and don’t use this yet, you
should read this post. It has totally changed the way I follow and comment.
4. Most thought-provoking review or discussion you read on
somebody else’s blog?
I can’t really think of anything right now. I do enjoy Authors Behaving Badly from Pocketful of
Books blog. These posts always make me laugh. Not really that
thought-provoking, though.
5. Best event that you participated in (author signings,
festivals, virtual events, memes, etc.)?
This was the first year that I participated in Armchair BEA, and while I would have
rather actually attended BEA, I did enjoy participating in the armchair
version. Plus, it’s where I found out about the “Next” button. (see question #3
in this section.)
6. Best moment of book blogging in 2012?
One week Feature and Follow Friday asked to name a blog or
blogs you were thankful for. This was a week I didn’t participate (around
Thanksgiving, I think) and I felt bad. But, I was truly honored that two of my
favorite blogs mentioned my blog. So I’m going to give them a shout out again,
Becky, from Becky's Barmy Book Blog and Curlypow andChristinabean at The Paperback Princesses. Thanks again, you guys. You made my
7. Most Popular Post This Year On Your Blog (whether it be
by comments or views)?
According to Google Analytics, my most visited post is my
review of The Lincoln Lawyer. Don’t
ask me why. (I didn’t even like this book that much.)
According to Blogger, it’s Do I Have Anything to Discuss: iPads and Blogging
I’m not sure how to tell which post got the most comments –
does anyone know if you can find this out in Blogger?
8. Post You Wished Got A Little More Love?
I guess this can be considered a “post,” but I wish more
people would have joined my Books You CanRead in a Day challenge. I thought it would be a fun challenge, and I
enjoyed it very much myself. I had a couple people participate. I’m going to do
it again for 2013 – for myself at least – just to keep track, so think about
joining me!
9. Best bookish discovery (book related sites, book stores,
I’m not sure when I signed up, but I think it was this year.
Edelweiss. At first, I wasn’t that
crazy about it because most of the time I got turned down, but lately I’ve been
more successful, and have received some really great books from them!
10. Did you complete
any reading challenges or goals that you had set for yourself at the beginning
of this year?
I participated in BooksYou Can Read in a Day (hosted by moi.) I read 32 books in a day. Goal
Also, the SerialKillers Reading Challenge, hosted at Tea Time With Marce. Only read four
serial killer books this year. Fail – but not epic fail!
And, the 150+ ReadingChallenge, hosted at My Overstuffed Bookshelf. About half way through, I
got really bad about posting my reviews on her site – however, I read 170 books
this year – so Goal Achieved!
I also did the 15,000Page Challenge, hosted by Abducted by Books. Since I read about 55,000 pages
this year, I’d say Goal Achieved!
You can see details on my 2012 Book Challenges page.
Looking Ahead…
1. One Book You Didn’t Get To In 2012 But Will Be Your
Number 1 Priority in 2013?
Girl Who Kicked the
Hornets Nest
The Death Cure
Beautiful Creatures
I could go on, but I’ll stop (I obviously can’t follow
2. Book You Are Most Anticipating For 2013?
OK. I'm really gonna have to break the rules here:
The Eternity Cure, by Julie Kagawa
Scarlet, by Marissa Meyer
Fragments, by Dan Wells
Through the Ever Night, by Veronica Rossi
Requiem, by Lauren Oliver
Boundless, by Cynthia Hand
Game, by Barry Lyga
Isla and the Happily Ever After, by Stephanie Perkins
OK. I'm really gonna have to break the rules here:
The Eternity Cure, by Julie Kagawa
Scarlet, by Marissa Meyer
Fragments, by Dan Wells
Through the Ever Night, by Veronica Rossi
Requiem, by Lauren Oliver
Boundless, by Cynthia Hand
Game, by Barry Lyga
Isla and the Happily Ever After, by Stephanie Perkins
3. One Thing You Hope To Accomplish Or Do In Your
Reading/Blogging In 2013?
I’m really lazy about author interviews and other extra
features. I do a few memes, but other than that, it’s mostly reviews on my
blog. Which is exactly what I want it to be, but I still think some extra stuff
once in a while would spice it up a bit.
Also, I need a new blog design. I need professional help. I
just need to make the commitment and take the time to do it.
Thanks for visiting. Link to your end of year post, so I can check it out!

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Lots of great books!
ReplyDelete- sad to hear you couldn't get into Raven Boys. I loved it! But to each her own right!?!
ReplyDelete- The inside cover of I Hunt Killers is extremely creepy but also makes me want to get the book now!
- There were moments in Gone Girl that still have my head realing! That was probably my most talked about book of 2012
- I remember reading Beautiful Creatures quite a few years ago and I remember that I wasn't that impressed by it but I recently saw a trailer for the movie before the Hobbit and the movie looked really good!
- I tried to participate in your challenge last year but I only had 6 books that I read in a day and a couple of audio books I managed to finish in less then 2 days. I'm going to try to do better next year because I do have a lot of books I need to read and not a lot of time. I'm going in on Wednesday to speak to my academic advisor to get all my classes before the semester starts on the 22nd. Now that I am going back to school, books I can finish in a day will be much more important to me!
OMG, yes Gone Girl had me reeling so bad. I was so thankful to have a few coworkers who read it ahead of me. I had to chat with them as soon as I finished it.
ReplyDeleteI was so sad not to get to FOUS and Raven Boys this year, but it's on my top 10 books of Jan to read. Sometimes with books that I have a hard time getting into (i.e. Chime is my prime example. Couldn't stick with the book at all but thought the audio was wonderful), the audiobook helps a lot. Maybe give the Raven Boys audio a shot if you're a tiny bit curious?