I'm using these posts to occasionally describe other things
I enjoy (besides books.) I used to post these projects on my other blog, but I
posted so seldom that I decided to include them here. Feel free to skip this
one, if you are strictly in it for the books.
First, I wanted to share with you a couple of my favorite Christmas presents. Whenever I watch The Santa Claus, I always tell my family that I used to have a Mystery Date Game when I was young and I wish I still had it. I tried to explain how it worked to my kids, but they didn't understand. Well, my husband (great guy!) found me a Mystery Date Game and bought it for me. So now we have all played Mystery Date! It brought back some great memories. (Although, now that I've played again as an adult, it is kind of lame...my kids were not impressed--no electronics or anything!)
Are any of you old enough to remember this game?
My son-in-law got me a beautiful Gela Skin for my iPad. I think it looks amazing! It's called Symbiosis, and I love it.
And, lastly, I'd like to show you a gift I made for my son-in-law.
It's a blanket made out of minky, shaped like a football. I put University of Illinois fleece on the back. It's really soft and cuddly.

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