It's Agatha Christie, so of course it's well written. We are introduced to the ten characters as they make their way to the island. And then they mysteriously end up dying, one at a time.
I won't say too much more about the plot. I can't imagine anyone figuring it out. And, yes, Christie DOES give you the explanation at the end.
And Then There Were None is a very quick read too. It reads easily and is difficult to put down.
If you haven't read And Then There Were None, you should check it out. Especially if you are a mystery fan. Christie is the best.
Published by HarperCollins, 2009 (originally published in 1939)
eBook obtained from the Library
272 pages (qualifies for my Books You Can Read in a Day Challenge!)
Rating: 5/5

I finally read this one this year too! It's my first Christie book and I really enjoyed it. I did have a good guess as to who was behind the murders and I was thrilled to find out I was right. I definitely look forward to reading more mysteries by her.