Marguerite has resisted working for Wyatt Conley, because she knows he's trying to take over all the dimensions. But when Wyatt "splinters" Paul, Marguerite must jump from dimension to dimension collecting his parts while doing some of Wyatt's dirty work. Theo goes with her.
I'm not going to describe the different worlds they encounter, because that's the most fun. How does Gray come up with this? I'm impressed.
I was sucked into Ten Thousand Skies Above You from the very beginning. It's full of action and danger. And the overarching plot moves along as Marguerite discovers more and more with each dimension she visits.
There is a pretty brutal cliffhanger, which I tend to hate, but at least Ten Thousand Skies Above You had a natural stopping point and an end to this part of the story. This one was better than the first, A Thousand Pieces of You, and I think the challenges in the third book will be even more substantial. I, for one, can't wait.
Published by HarperTeen, November 3, 2015
eARC obtained from Edelweiss
432 pages
Rating: 5/5

wow I am so excited for this one. I loved the first and this one is getting even better reviews. Not so excited about the cliffhanger. Hate those arghh.....