I like the concept. Each story is written by a different author from the perspective of a character that somehow knew Kirby Matheson, the shooter. Some had negative opinions of him and some positive, but no one really thought he'd so something like this. Some perspectives were from before the shooting, some during, and some after. The list of contributing authors is quite impressive, and for that reason alone, Violent Ends is worth it.
This technique does get the reader thinking. Especially someone like me, who is in a high school environment every day and encounters all kinds of kids. Quiet ones, popular ones, and those that just don't fit in. It's really impossible to know and that is scary.
However, the book just left me wanting more. I really wanted Kirby's perspective. I don't think Violent Ends is complete without it. I get the reasoning, but I think Strasser's Give a Boy a Gun does this much better.
Violent Ends is unique. It made me uneasy, since as seen from these perspectives, it seems we are helpless to prevent these incidents.
Published by Simon Pulse, September 1, 2015
eARC obtained from Edelweiss
352 pages
Rating: 3/5

Sounds fascinating. I'll have to check this one out.