Friday, October 21, 2011

Friday Musings

I'm skipping the memes this week and decided to do a personal update. Feel free to skip.....

It's fall on the apple farm, which means Mollie and my husband (the tractor driver) spend all day Saturdays and Sundays hauling visitors around to pick apples. Mollie never RIDES the wagon, and never misses a trip -- she is TIRELESS, but she is also very tired when she gets home. We'd love to hook her up to a pedometer somehow to see how far she runs in a day.
This is a picture "on the north end." The apple trees are to the right -- the field to the left isn't ours. The woods in the background are great for walks in the winter. Mollie had her 5th birthday on Wednesday this week! She still acts like a puppy....

Wedding News: I'm helping my daughter plan her wedding which is next May, and the biggest news is that I bought a dress! We went shopping and I bought the first and ONLY dress I tried on. Am I nuts? But I loved it, and she loved it, and when I got home I put it on for my husband and her fiancé and they both loved it, so I guess that's it!

We've also picked up her dress. They had engagement pictures taken last week and we've picked out invitations. I am in the process of folding boxes for favors. So, I feel like we are making good progress!

St. Louis Cardinals:  We live about 20 minutes from St. Louis, and while we're not huge baseball fans, it's hard not to get caught up in the excitement. It really is a "baseball town."

So, what's up in your world? Thanks for stopping by, and I'll still be reading and enjoying all of your meme posts. Have a great weekend!

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  1. Your puppy is sooo cute! We had a Shepard growing up and they're fantastic dogs.

    You've got a lot done for the wedding -- I've heard the MotB dress is one of the hardest to find (not too old or too young or outshine the bride, etc.). Lucky you for finding it on the first go!

  2. That's exciting news about your daughter! Kudos to you for finding a dress so early on too - I'm sure it's gorgeous :)

  3. Congrats on the wedding. Thank you so much for commenting on my blog and letting me know that you posted about Molly. I enjoyed visiting and seeing her picture and reading about her. Calypso and Ryka would love to be on an apple farm with lots of people - they enjoy riding in the wagon and would probably be the first two in - to the dismay of your patrons I'm sure! lol Donna

  4. My brother and his family used to live in Lake St. Louis and O'Fallon. Is that near where you live? I've visited there a couple of times. We went to a Cardinals game once and it was pretty cool.


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