Happy Friday everyone! I'm really glad it's here. (Thank God, right?) Here's Ginger's question for this week:
Authors Are Our Celebrities: Have you ever contacted an
author you admired? How did that experience go?
If not, which author would you love to have a chat with?
I contacted Cole Gibsen after reading Katana.I realized she lives in a town about 15 minutes from me. After emailing back and forth, I discovered her husband went to the high school where I teach, and I know his parents.
Unfortunately, I haven't met her yet. The opportunities to go to her book signings have always conflicted with my schedule, but I intend to meet her some day. I would love to have her come and visit with our creative writing club, if we can work it out.
I'm really shy, so its hard for me to put myself out there, but I would enjoy speaking with any of them. I'm so fascinated by what they do and the processes they go through. It's very foreign to me, and I don't think I could ever do it, so I enjoy learning about it.
Great question! I'm sure there will be some interesting answers, and I'm looking forward to reading them. Have a great weekend, and thanks for stopping by.

Ooh Katana is definitely one of the books that I want to read! It looks so good. And that's so awesome that you got to talk to her :)